Chapter 5: Gruesome torture

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''Emily, chicken, soup or bread?''


It was breakfast time again.


The same old routine.

Probably boring you out more each time I say breakfast time.

Today there were surprisingly lesser people at the table.

Helena, Martha, and some other random people weren't here.

''Kreacher? You know where they went?''

''Eh? I ain't no idea where 'ey went. Probably taking a small lil' stroll in the garden?''

''I won't be quite-''

Cries and screams interrupted my speech.

''What the...'' literally everyone turned to look.

It came from the door to the hunter's room.

''Run, amigos, run!'' Kevin yelled.

In a state of panic, we rushed off to our dorms.

I dragged the sleeping Emma along with me and slammed the door behind me.

What is going on?

All I know is that people were in the hunter's room, getting... tortured.

This rarely happens, and the torture for losing the match isn't as serious as that that I heard.

This could only mean one thing.

They broke a very important rule at the manor.

And I do not like the sound of that.

By noontime, the postman did his rounds and ordered us to proceed to the courtyard, where apparently, there was a surprise waiting for us.

We gathered and huddled at the corner of the yard, at the same time, fighting to see what is going on.

''SILENCE. I ORDER. SILENCE!'' Jack ordered.

Silence fell over the entire group of us.

''Thank you. Today, we are showing you the bad side of us. We have never ever done this before, and we hope that this will never happen again.''

''But what happened?'' Fiona questioned.

''What happened?'' Jack chuckled. ''Well, they broke a rule. They whacked us with their items! Marthy here slapped Leo, causing a giant bruise on his face. Helena poked Leo's eyes. Freddy marked out the hunter with a weird device. Servais Le Roy used his magic trick to make Leo disappear back to the manor.''

''I would like to remind you that this makes us very annoyed, which is why we are saying goodbye to your friends today.''

Jack snapped his fingers and Mr Wu Chang brought the four mentioned out into the yard, handcuffed.

Everyone muttered and gasped as they stared at the wounds and bloodiness of the friends we once had.

''At the same time, we would like to invite out new hunter to the family. Mr Joseph, the photographer, to do the honors of eliminating this poor souls.''

A swish of a blade and out appeared Mr Joseph, with a picture in his right hand, and an awfully long sword on his left.

Mr Joseph took a deep breath, before running his sword from the left to right.

People ooed, and yelled 'gross', but the most important part, was that they were gone.

Gone. Souless, with the body in 2 parts.

The body still against the wall, but the head on the ground.

''Thank you for your time everybody, please have a good rest for tomorrow. We'll hope that this never happens again.''

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