Chapter 15: The trial

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"The trial is in session of the murder of at least 12 lives. On my left, Deputy Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth and his aides Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey will be supporting him in the prosecution. On my right, Freddy Riley, defense attorney shall defend the case. The prosecution may proceed."

The courtroom and its unmistakable polish wooden table and a dove signifying peace was hung on the wall.

The stands stood many. Some shaken, some blank.

The prosecution was ready. They had centuries of information to press charges. The files lay across their desk, with a pile of yellowed letters, supposedly evidence.

The defense... let's say he was forced here.

"I would like to request Mr Jack to take the stand." Miles crisp voice cut through the room, and a gentleman in his mid 30s took the stand in between the prosecution and defense.

"Mr Jack has also been known as Jack the Ripper, many of us familiar with it." Gasps ran through the crowd. Even the judge dropped his mallet.

"What in the world is this?!" The judge exclaimed, astounded.

"We have all known for his murders and disembowelment of his female victims in the early 1900s. We are sure he definitely has done more than 5 confirmed murders."


"The defense would like to cross examine." A small voice on the right podium spoke.

"Very well."

"Mr Jack, you were known for your murders in the early 1900s. But it is impossible considering the fact that the year now is 2019. Mr Jack has committed his crimes as a 20 year old. But now over a hundred years has passed, and yet he is still alive. Explain."

"He does have a point..." the judge tugged his goatee slowly.

"We expected that."

Phoenix handed out a report to the judge.

"This, is a report of the residents at Oletus manor. All of the reflected in the list is currently the same age as the age stated in the list. Although, their birthdays were well over a hundred years ago."

"What?! What is happening? Miles?"

Miles smirked.

"This has something to do with the land, which possesses some form of time stopping entity. And contains a powerful force filling people with the desire to either kill or survive."

"Wait what? This is too confusing man."

"This is when all seated in the red seats today, are all the killers and the rest are survivors. Can't your see dear judge that this is merely just a dangerous version of cat and mouse game?"

"You have a point. Call the prosecuted to the stand."

"Your honor, I must say that this is all a bunch of trash. It is clearly impossible for such a weird 'entity' to even reside on the face of the earth. This is purely just a make up by the prosecution."

"And your proof, defense? To that argument?"


"Your honor," Mr Jack spoke for the first time "This is just a huge waste of everyone's time and it's killing me. Let's just end it now. Yes, I killed woman, female prostitutes. I hate them. Their actions are unholy and they greatly threaten the class of innocent generation. This killings made me realize that killing wasn't fun at all. I guess this was why I invented this game of cat and mouse to have fun and torture my prisoners."


Miles smirked. This was going too easy.

Slowly the others on the stand agreed to their crimes and confessed them.

"The court finds you guilty of inhuman torture with the use of torture mechanisms strictly prohibited by he country. You shall be sentenced to 10 years of jail and 3 days of solitary confinement. Court adjourned."


It was over.

I stood up from my seat in the bleachers. It was as if a stone had been lifted from deep within. I am now free. I no longer need to fear the tactics, to try new abilities and heal others who are badly tortured. Now, to live on a new life and hopefully a better one.

"Emily, let's go take a drink. The drinks on Martha!"

"She doesn't have money silly."

"Well, she says she has..."

"Heh, from flare gun dealing business?"


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