Chapter 4: Chaos

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We lined neatly in the dark room, whispering to one another.

We literally have no idea what is going on.

All we know is that there are 8 of us. 2 hunters.

''Psst.. Em!''


''You got a plan?''

''What do you mean?''

''Seriously? You're just going to-''

The high frequency sound played, and we were knocked out.

Once more.


''Yo girl.''

I opened my eyes slowly as they watered hard.

To make it harder, Fiona was shaking me hard.

''S-stop please?''

Fiona, the priestess, stopped whatever she was doing and stepped aside.

I got up shakily and hobbled over to the cipher machine in what seems to be a captain's office.

''Lakeside village?''



''Prepare to callibrate.''

''... Well, I guess that's off to a good start, perfect callibration.''

Fiona nodded and left.

Huh. I guess things are still a little high on tensions in here.

2 bells rang off, messily, unlike the usual deep, synchronized booming.

I tapped off the ciphers carefully, pressing and undoing, callibrating the machines.


The cipher machines seem to be slower today...

''Em? Is that you?''

I took a break from decoding and looked up.

Emma waved from the doorstep and ran to my side.

''Man, it's chaotic out there. People are dying, people are stuck in tree branches, people are getting tortured in the basement...'' Emma rattled off and began repairing the machine that was full of laggy materials.

''Lucky I'm not out yet.''

''Not so fast, Emily. You need to take a look. Familiarise where to run. You can't risk betting you won't run into 2 hunters at one go. Besides, it felt great! Finally for once, I got away from the hunter! Jack tried to whack me, but Naib got in the way! Soul Weaver tried to get me, but Helena got in the way too!'' I watched Emma describe vividly how she escaped from the hunters. ''There are also phone box thingys, I need to try that out later...''


''Whoops, sorry.'' I apologised and returned to the coding.

''Meh, it's not your fault. I was too good at telling stories.''

We had a laugh and moved on after the ciphers have been decoded.

''Hey, where are those phones boxes that you were mentioning about?"

"Ah, here we go."

She stopped in front of a stand thingy, with a bright yellow light shining brightly in the dark surroundings.

"You reckon we give a call?" I eyed the contraption.

"Go ahead!" Emma seemed really hyped about it.

I climbed on to the ledge and wound up the handle at the side of the machine. Picking up the headphones, a feminine voice spoke calmly.

"Good evening, I am Jean, the manor's clerk, what assistance do you require?"

"Uh... how do we escape?"

"Ah, the usual way, please. An additional feature, you can request for a crowbar at one of  the phone boxes when the dungeon appears. Buying the crowbar at that specific phone box allows you to pry open the dungeon and escape with the others."

"Oh... so what can I request?"

"Speed pill, black sludge, magic wand, flare gun-"

"Flare gun please."

"Sure thing, name and room number?"

"Emily. Emily Dyer. Room 1F02."

"Sure, here you go. Have a nice day Emily."

"Thanks Jean."

"Anytime, I'd be off, someone's calling me on a different end."

I hung up and climbed down, before noticing a gleaming flare gun lying on the floor.

"Wow..." Emma breathed.

"Yeah, definitely fascinating."


"Yep." Martha, our military friend stepped out from the shadows, spinning 2 flare guns in her hands.

"Looks like we can only carry 2 items." I pointed out.


"Oh boy, this is going to be fun!!" Emma squealed, before getting tackled to the ground by Martha and me.

"SHHH. GIRL. QUIET!" We hissed.

Dragging Emma along with us, we hid in the locker for our safety.

I scanned the outside as Jack stormed by, fuming.

Something was definitely going on.

When the coast was clear, we headed out again, but screams and shouting were heard everywhere.

We carefully ran across the map, dodging the hunters who were chasing others, and once, I ran past an unconscious body of Kurt, the explorer. He must have been knocked out and passed out on the floor for being left untouched for a long time.

Well, this is the first time I'm seeing this happen.

Escape alarms blared, church bells boomed, red flashlights, swiping sounds of death, all mixed into one chaotic juice.

I punched in the key into the keypad, jamming every single digit deep enough so as to not miss one by accident.

''INCOMING!'' Elis yelled as he sped off in some other direction.

The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, dazed out. My head was spinning as I took the ground for support.

''UGHHHH...'' I moaned.

The soul reaper picked me up and spun me into a cacoon, before chasing the scattered people that were all over the place.

Jack has joined the game, but he seemed less successful, Naib was containing him well.

Martha fired her flare gun, distracting the other hunters before running over and unstrangling me from the choking matter.

''Thanks!'' I ran to the side corner to heal up before getting back into the game.

Gun shots were fired, people were dashing straight at hunters, some trolling with them.

For once, it seemed as if.. we were having fun.

''LET'S GO PEOPLE!'' Kevin shouted his manly scream, and ran off through the escape doors.

I snuck behind the lines of the hunters before running after Kevin and the rest, who were buying time for the weaker ones.


''Hey, how's that?'' Emma pointed at the bandage on my knee.

''Yeah, it's fine, don't mind me, how's you?''

''Perfect as ever...'' she said dreamily and arranged the flowers that were in the vase on her bedside table.

I laid on my bed and got ready for bed.

Today was definitely a hectic day. New costumes, new modes, new injuries. 

What comes next?

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