Bruised Heart

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"This time, my heart ached more than my bruises."

K: Johnny don't.

J: Move Kenzie.

K: Stop please.

A: Kenzie I...

J: *Punches him*  You what?

A: What the hell man, I came over to apologize.

J: For what, harassing her or knocker her off a ladder?

A: Oh uh, you know.

J: Yeah.

Kenzie's POV

I went over and grabbed Johnny's chest and pushed him off Ashton, we all knew that Johnny would have beat the shit out of him with another punch and I didn't want it to go any further. 

K: Stop, just wait over there for me.

J: *Walks over*

A: Kenzie I'm really...

K: Save it, I don't care, you're an asshole, lets just leave it at that.

*Over with Johnny.

K: Look I wo...

Kenzie's POV

I was interrupted by Johnny's warm hand gently grazing the bruise on my cheek, he looked down at my cheek and tilted his head.

J: He did that to you.

K: *Grabs his hand* I'm okay, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

J: Just as long as you're okay. *hugs her*

Kenzie's POV

He looked into my eyes and grabbed my face, and he pulled me in for a hug. I felt his warm body against my chest, as he held on tight to me. I felt comfortable like this, safe, and it's like nothing in the world could hurt me right then, right there, or ever. 

*A few days later, Grand Hall

C: The entire school is still talking about what happened at the play with you and Johnny.

A: And how he fought Ashton, romantic if you ask me.

K: Come one you guys, we're just friends.

L: Bull shit, I'm "Just friends" with Hayden, and he doesn't go around fighting people or kissing me.

A: Lauren makes a point.

L: Duh.

C: I think he likes you.

A: It's definitely a possibility.

K: I don't know you guys, sure he has that caring side that makes you utterly fall in love with him, but he is also kinda an ass, not to mention how he never has serious intentions with any girls, I don't want to be just another game to him. So NO romantic feelings.

A: Okay fine, but you can't be immune to his appearance.

L: Annie's right, he is a full course meal. 

K: Okay that for one is something I'll agree with, he's pretty hot, remember, I still have self-control.

Principal: You are all gathered here in the grand hall because I have a big announcement I imagine you'll all enjoy. The entire school is going on a full week trip next week, more specifically, a ski trip. All of your parents have been informed of the trip and have all agreed to it, we will be staying at Orlando Hotels. Both the girls and boys rooms are on the same floor, behave yourself and control your hormones. 

*Jenzie* Happier With You COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now