Handle With Care

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"I may seem tough, but I'm fragile."

K: Johnny was looking out for me?

H: Look, he's not like in love with you or anything, but he does care, don't ask me why, I've never seen him like this, but he knows Ashton is a shit person, he was just trying to protect you.

K: It's fine, I'm not mad, just confused. 

H: You're going to have to ask him.

K: Let's just get out of here. And don't say anything to Johnny.

H: Why? He'll kill Ashton.

K: Exactly, look I don't want him worrying or asking how I am. 

H: Kenzie, he does care...

K: Please just don't tell him.

H: Okay fine.

K: Let's get out of here, I'm never coming back.

Janitor: Hey Kenzie, you're smaller, would you mind helping hang up the lights on the stadium, I hope you're not afraid of heights it's a twelve foot ladder.

K: Yeah no problem George, one sec. Hey Hayden do you mind waiting by the bleachers with Lauren, I'll be back in a sec.

H: Okay sure.

Johnny's POV

I never head to these stupid games, I personally think it's a waste of time, but once I heard Kenzie was going with Ashton, a part of me knew I should make sure she's okay, I asked Hayden to watch after her, but I just feel like something went wrong. I was right out by the field, I saw Kenzie standing by Hayden after the game, it looked like they were having a pretty serious conversation. I looked past Kenzie and saw Ashton with the football team, they were all staring at her, it was enough to make me go after him, what happened? I saw her walk over to the stadium, she got on this twelve foot ladder it started shaking on the way up.

H: Hey what are you doing here?

J: Just checking up on Kenzie.

H: Oh, uh she's fine, nothing happened.

J: Um okay.

Johnny's POV

She was hanging lights, she looked adorable, what the hell is going on, I just met the girl like two weeks ago? I heard a shout come from the football team, "Hey Kenzie, this is for humiliating me!" what? I couldn't tell who said it but the next thing I knew was the football was flying across the field and hit the ladder. It knocker her off and she collapsed on the ground. In a split second my heart pounded so fast, I ran over to her in an instant, I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life. I fell to the ground next to her, she was conscious. 

Kenzie's POV

I couldn't exactly tell what happened, just that my head hurt like crazy, and my whole body was aching. I opened up my eyes to see Johnny sitting next to me, his hand gently caressed my face, what felt like a bruise on my cheek. It was relaxing though. He helped me up off the ground and I fell right into his arms. 

J: Hey, are you alright?

K: Yeah um I'm fine, my head reall... *drops into Johnny's arms*

Janitor: Hey you should take her to the office right now.

J: Will do.

L: Kenzie, hey is she okay?

J: Yeah I'm taking her to the office, Hayden can you take Lauren to her dorm.

H: Yeah sure.

L: Text me if anything happens.

J: I will.

*Jenzie* Happier With You COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now