He is dead: Keith

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Selfharm, Suicide & character death⚠️

I was lying in my bed holding back the tears that had been building up in my eyes.

My walls were breaking down everything I kept to myself was now breaking out. Shiro is dead, they said. He won't come back, he said. He is gone. That's what they said. That's what Adam told me, my father figure, Shiro's fianće. The only one I had left. He broke down in the living room right after work. I didn't know what to do I just waited and hugged him. I tried to comfort him feeling his tears on my shoulder

"Keith, I'm so so sorry. He is-. Shiro they, they told me he is dead. A pilot error they said. He is dead. Keith."

His words repeated in my mind. Shiro... why did you left me? Why did you leave us? Why did you leave your family? Why! We need you. Adam needs you. I need you

I could hear him cry in their room. He had been there since I stormed in to my room.

"You fucking idiot!"

I heard him scream and than the sound of something smashing against the wall.
He was alone. He could get through it right? Adam is a strong man. He can do it. But I? I can't. I can't live without my brother. The only one who was there for me when everything fell apart. When my dad died.

I suddenly felt like throwing up, my body was shaking and I couldn't breath regular anymore. My face was full of tears. They were streaming down my face, not stopping for one second.


Adam screamed his voice full of pain. He sobbed and screamed. I couldn't do anything.

I couldn't help myself. I was broken. I had a bad habit of cutting. Since the very beginning growing up alone and bullied I found a way to stop the pain in my soul. Not for ever but temporally it helped.

I tried to get on my feet. I sat down feeling the panic attack in my body. It consumed me I couldn't think anymore no rational thoughts in my head. Only one.

Cut yourself. It'll help.

I walked to my drawer and opened it. There was a bunch of school stuff in there, but underneath it, there was a small box it was white with a silver bow. I once got a necklace in that box. It was still in there I took out the necklace and the foam that it was laying on.

And there it was a wrapped in red paper with it a few bandaids.
A blade. A single blade I once stole from shiros razor.

I went back to my bed and sat down. I had the blade in my hand. I started with a single cut. It wasn't deep but I was able to see the red inside.
I brought the blade on my skin again and again. Until my arms was covered in red.

It burnt like hell, I needed to stop it but I didn't want to. There was no reason to stay here anymore.

I rested in my bed and cut myself one last time on the other arm it was a long and deep cut following the way my veins.

I felt free but I panicked at the same time. Adam. He was going to find me dead.

I tried to stay awake when I suddenly realised what I had done but it didn't work. I got tired I felt the darkness slowly taking me in making me close my eyes.

I let go. My life was at it's end.

My eyes closed and the last thing I saw was the family picture with Shiro and Adam.

Finally all my pain ended.

I died.

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