Broken boy: Lance

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I was sitting in my room, the castle was very quiet well that's that only possible thing if u think about it. On earth time it is 4:30 am. Beeign awake all night won't really help me as a Paladin of Voltron. But since shiro is back, I'm probably going to get kicked out of the team. I never was a important part of it. Hunk can shoot as good as I can and keith is way better with red then I will ever be. Besides allura can unleash powers we never thought we had. So in conclusion the best thing for the team was for me to leave. I didn't want to leave but it was the best for the team, right?

I was about to fall asleep when I heard a voice outside of my room.

I couldn't hear what it said nor could I identify the voice with one of my friends.

I jumped out  of bed and took my Bayard. I opened the door and slowly walked towards the voice I could hear then it stopped and I could only hear heavy breathing. 

"Lance? What are you doing?"

"Keith! Holy quiznack!".

I whisper screamed and dropped my Bayard.

"I thought you were an intruder. Wait. Why are you awake. And why are u all sweaty? We're you training?"

Keith looked away and hugged his arm.

"Yeah I was training-"
His voice was calm and almost hurt suddenly he changed completely.

"Unlike you. At least I try to get better."
He snapped at me than walked away.

"what? Keith!"

Am I really a bad Paladin? Maybe I should step back.

"Well than I can gladly tell you that I AM NOT A PALADIN ANYMORE!"

I screamed after him. I slowly walked back to my room to die in my self-pitiness.

I already felt the tears coming and leaving my eyes.

"What do you mean?! You're not a Paladin anymore?"

I jumped when I felt his hand on my shoulder and heard his voice whisper in my ear.

"Yeah you heard right. I am not a Paladin anymore. Not only am I a burden for the team I am putting everyone in danger everytime. Besides I form even try you're right."

"No lance. I. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. You can't quit voltron."

"No Keith it's fine. Really."
I said whipping my tears away and turning around.
"I'm fine."

But I wasn't. Everything in my head was screaming how useless I am and it was the cold truth.  I am useless.

"Lance, but we can't lose you. I can't lose you."

"No Keith you don't understand this. I can't be a paladin. It's not where I belong... I am no good for anyone. So if you excuse me I'm leaving."

He had a tight grip on my wrist and could probably feel the bandage.

"Lance, listen-"

He stopped talking  when I suppose he felt the bandage.

"Are you hurt? Lance. What happened to you? Where involved in a fight?"

"Keith, you know what it is right? Don't play dumb."

Keith just nodded as an answer and then slowly slipped my jacket up. I didn't stop him. He'll be the only one to know this while I'm alive.

"Lance, i I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't notice it"

"Dont pity me Keith. No one can do anything these are my actions."

I took his hand off of my wrist and looked him in the eyes.

"Keith close your eyes."

He did as I said without hesitating. I got close to him feeling his hot breath on my lips. Heck I was in love with him. He should know.

"Te amo, Keith."

I gave him a kiss it was as light as feather. Then I started running back to my room into the bathroom attached to it.

"Goodbye, Paladins."

I walked up to the drawer and took my blade out. I also found some kind of pain killers in the space mall which will most likely kill you if you take an overdose.

I took five of then which should be enough. I sat down and cut down my arm going with the veins.


I could hear Keith. His voice was slowly fading away and more joined them I heard pidge and Shiro.

I didn't want to hurt pidge so I took the towel and played it over my arm.

The world started turning slowly I reached the end falling asleep bleeding out.

I could hear how the door opened and how my team gasped or cried.

"Lance! You fucking idiot! Help me guys"
I could feel Keith's arms around me he was cradling me in his arms, again.

Everything went black and I voudl finally fall asleep in the arms of my biggest love.

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