The Fear

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I cowered in the attic, hoping that the cold winter blast would freeze me to death before he found me. I squeeze into that tiny claustrophobic hiding place I created myself, an unsuspecting wooden box. I hear thundering from downstairs, and a frightening call.

"Oh Koko... Where are you? Come on out and play..." He says, and I shrink back into that box. Will it be my lucky day today?

"Hm... You're not here are you... Well I'd find you soon..." I hear, footsteps softening as he climbs down the stairs. I relax, as I stare at the wall of my dark hiding place. I breathed into my hands again, as I felt a cold blast from the vent that gave me air. I would rather freeze than face him.

When Ivan Killinchy first adopted me, I thought my life was going to change, to get better. After I lost my entire family to a crazy serial killer, I thought I could finally forget the smell of blood and the sight of watching my mother die before my eyes, hacked to death with a cleaver, as I hid under my bed, not even daring to breathe. I wish it was true. I wish it was true.

The Serial Killer called himself the Sky Hunter. His victims all had the name 'Sky' somewhere, even in a different language. And as misfortune would strike me, my name was Kyoko Sora. Sora, which in Japanese means "Sky". My entire family has the name Sky. It freaks me out. He's gone now, sentenced to death by law. But I could barely survive a day without frightening myself with my own shadow.

And now Ivan had to take away my life.

Today, an hour later, I left my hiding place and went back to my own room to grab some clothes and take a shower. But it was not a hiding place. It was not the sanctuary I hoped for. It was hell.

As hot water hits my skin I hear the door being unlocked again. I froze, instinctively crosing my arms over my chest. I could feel fear slithering up my spine, as it gripped me. Trauma, pain, fear. He smirks, as he pressed himself against me, his lips too close to my ear.

No... Not again... Please don't...

The words never left my mouth, even though it echoed through my head. Filling me up, screaming for something to save me. But nothing came. The hot water burned my skin.

"No escape now, Koko." He said, as stronger hands pried my arms away from my chest.

Let the games begin.

This one particular event that I've described above happened when I was thirteen. It's burned in my brain like a carving on a tree trunk.

Of course I considered telling the Social Workers when they came to check. But Ivan always knew what to do to implement fear, always. He always brought up my family's death a solid hour before they arrived, silencing me until they left. He said he'd kill me if I said anything, like how that man killed my family. And I would be stricken with fear, so silenced, so worried. And I would force a smile, make-up covered up the redness caused by slaps and the cuts and bruises from the man I thought rescued me. And he had a perfect record. He had a job, he gave me food, everything. I didn't look sickly or abused. I looked... Normal. As normal as Ivan would let me be anyway. He's mad. And sick.

Why? Why would someone do that? Why would they adopt a child just to abuse her? It didn't make any sense to me. Why did it have to be me, why of all children, it was me? The only comfort I had was in knowing that I more or less sacrificed myself for them, the others would be safe. Not that it was much comfort, they never treated me kindly.

What is it Sky Girl, wasting the Orphanage's money again?

Just die, make my day.

Even in school. It pains me to remember that once the kids in school wrapped their heads around the fact that my entire family was dead they laughed and said that I was so ugly, that serial killer was frightened off. But even before that, I was the center of attention. Not in a good way either. I went to school to find some sort of graffiti on my locker, or that someone had used a penknife to etch the word "Loser" on my desk. No matter how many times the seats changed, I ended up with the same table.

Suicide was never a route I dared to take, even if I thought about it every day. I didn't want to die, because I still had hope somewhere, somewhere in the deep dark depths of my deranged and traumatised mind. But why? Why would someone do this? Because some people are sick. Because I have no family looking for me. Because social workers believe that my dark eyes, my forced smile, my nervous giggles are because I was still traumatised by an incident from nearly five years ago. I was eleven. Yes, it was five years ago that a mass genocide was carried out on the people named Sky. It is etched into my mind like yesterday, but as time goes by you start to let go of things. But because of this man, this monster, I am unable to move on. And I was one too.

I am trapped.

Cursed by the memories I try to forget.

But Ivan Killinchy would not let me forget, no matter how many years went by, no matter how many times he used and abused me.

I am Cursed.

My name is Kyoko Sora, Child of The City Sky.

A/N Hello it's Alex and I'm back with a new story! Gosh, how do I begin? I could barely handle finishing off "Yogscast To My Rescue" and it's sequel "My New Family", this one is gonna be pretty action-packed. I hope you enjoy this, but it includes many sensitive themes as you may have already noticed, and a lot of this is going to be very psychological and quite disturbing at times. And for that I apologise, but I am actually the master of Psychological Stories and thus, these stories happen. Very sorry about that.

I hope you enjoy it! And to new readers, Welcome To ThatHotGuy_Alex's fort! You're gonna like it here. I hope.

-Kyoko OUT-

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