{Part 2} Chapter Nine- The Unwanted Visitor

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The time had finally come. Lucius Malfoy and Rufus Scrimgeour were finally coming to visit Hogwarts, no one really knew why, they just knew that it was a big deal, and if anything bad happened while they were at Hogwarts then they would make something even worse happen. No one seemed to know why, and no one dared ask, but even Draco Malfoy himself seemed nervous about something.  

(y/n) woke up to the sound of Ray bounding up the stairs and bursting into the room that she shared with Luna. Luna was already awake and down at breakfast, she was a really early riser, and she never tried to wake (y/n) up, she figured she was to quiet to do that, and Ray would be better for the job than her. (y/n) lifted her head from her pillow, which she had repositioned in her sleep so her arms were also wrapped around it. She raised an eyebrow at Ray as she waited for them to start talking, clearly something was going on. 

"He's here," Ray stated, their face was pale and it was clear that they were nervous, "come on, get up, we need to get to breakfast," they flailed their arms as they ran out of the room just as quickly as they had run in, leaving (y/n) laying there to process the information they had just threw up on her. 

Once the information fully processed in her half asleep brain, (y/n) got up from the bed and got dressed, running a brush through her hair and brushing her teeth before walking down the dorm room steps to meet Ray in the common room just like they did every morning. They always walked to breakfast together. It was their thing. 

Despite the fact that walking down to the Great Hall for breakfast every morning was their thing, this morning clearly didn't want to abide by their tradition, because someone else was waiting for (y/n) outside the Ravenclaw door. 

"What are you doing here Draco?" (y/n) questioned, "shouldn't you be down at the Great Hall by now?" her eyes narrowed as she examined the Slytherin King, he was leaning against the wall, one foot was pressed up on the wall ,and his arms were crossed over his chest. He had been looking down until they had walked out of the dorm room, now he was looking up at the two of them like he had been out there waiting for hours. 

Draco glanced down the hallway then between (y/n) and Ray, his eyes landed on (y/n) in the end, "I need you to come with me, there's someone here that wants to meet you," he explained simply, he glanced at Ray again out of the corner of his eye, clearly he wasn't telling the whole story because he wasn't sure if Ray already knew or not, and he didn't so it was probably smart of Draco to be careful with what he said. 

"oh," (y/n) sighed, she turned to Ray and smiled at them apologetically, "I'll meet you down in the Great Hall okay?" she promised, she didn't want Ray to worry about her, but who knows what would happen if she didn't go to meet Lucius with Draco. 

Ray nodded in understanding, "of course, you're the little superstar," they smiled teasingly, "I'll save you a seat," they stated. They waved to the two of them and began to walk off in the direction of the Great Hall, down the stairs that connected the Ravenclaw tower to the rest of the castle. 

(y/n) turned back to Draco, "now what's the problem?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest, her tone was clearly annoyed, but Draco honestly couldn't tell if the annoyance was aimed towards him or the situation. 

"I'm going to tell my dad about you," he stated, regaining his confidence he held himself a little taller, a little stronger, "I'm going to tell him the truth about you and if he still wants you to leave Hogwarts... then I'll have no choice but to leave," he explained in slightly more detail. 

Confused, (y/n) tilted her head to the side, her arms lowered from over her chest and fell to her sides, "what do you mean by that Malfoy?" she asked him curiously. 

"I'm going to tell him that I'm in love with you," Draco stated, he said it so matter-o-factly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He sounded confident and sure of himself again in that moment, he seemed surprised that (y/n) didn't already know what the answer to her question was. 

(y/n) eyes pulsed in shock, she wasn't expecting Draco to just... say that.. like it was nothing. (y/n) wasn't sure what he meant, was he being serious? She couldn't believe it, and she wasn't sure if she ever would. 

Draco smirked, it was hard to tell if it was forced or not, but the corner of his lips curled into a smirk and he wrapped his arm around (y/n) warmly, "come on," he sighed, "there's someone very special I want you to meet." 


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