《Part 1》Chapter 10-Obliviate

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"Ray," (y/n) hissed as she lightly shook her sleeping friend as they lay on their bed in a deep, probably badly needed, sleep. (y/n) felt bad about waking them up, but she needed to say goodbye, she didn't know if she would ever see them again. "Ray wake up," she begged.

Ray groaned in response as they turned to face (y/n), their eyes cracked open, and (y/n) watched as their eyes resembled a camera shifting into focus. Once they noticed who was at the side of their bed, they bolted upright in shock, "(y/n)?" they hissed in disbelief, "how did you get up here?"

(y/n) took a deep breath, "I begged the stairs to let me up," she explained, hoping she didn't sound too crazy, "I needed to come and say goodbye." She looked down at her case in her hand, and she sensed their gaze shifting down to the case as well. Without even looking up at them (y/n) could tell that their eyes were widening in a combination of confusion and fear.

"what do you mean, 'say goodbye'?" they asked, no longer whispering, probably also no longer caring about waking up their dormmates.

(y/n) bit the inside of her cheek, "Umbridge said I needed to be out of the castle by first light." She shivered at the memory of that office, that horrid, ugly, pink office. "Newt and Jacob have already been sent home."

"why?" Ray questioned, their voice slowly getting filled with more and more anger. It was obvious that they were frustrated about the whole situation.

(y/n) felt bad for upsetting them, she didn't want to leave like this, "I'm a No-Maj Ray," she explained, holding back the tears that tried to fall down her face. "I don't belong here," she sniffled.

Ray pulled her into a hug, they rubbed the back of her head comfortingly, it was incredible how quickly they could go from angry to calming, but (y/n) didn't really care at that moment, she needed a hug right now. "You belong here more than anyone else in this school does," they whispered.

(y/n) sniffled again, "thank you Ray, but I need to go now," she pulled away from then and wiped her eyes. "I have other people I need to say goodbye to before I leave," she took a deep breath in order to calm herself down.

Ray nodded before a lightbulb went off in their brain, they pulled open their nightstand drawer and pulled out a beaded bracelet. It was similar to the one they wore all the time, but since (y/n) could still see that one on their wrist it was obvious that it was a different one.

"Give me your hand," Ray ordered, and (y/n) held out her non-dominant hand in response. They fastened the bracelet around her wrist, and they smiled triumphantly. "Now, go downstairs," they commanded.

(y/n) nodded and hugged them one more time before she walked out of the room and down the stairs into the Ravenclaw common room. Suddenly the center bead of the bracelet began to glow a pale blue. (y/n) touched it and a small image of Raymond materialized out of green dust.

The image smiled at her, "it worked," they whispered, pumping their fist in mini celebration. "This can let us talk to each other without using owls," they explained, "I've been working on them for a while, but I could never get a three-way com to set up." They shook their head, "that's why I hadn't given it to you or Luna yet, but now we can use this to communicate while you're in the states," they smiled.

(y/n) smiled back, "you're a genius Ray," she shook her head in disbelief, "I have no idea how you come up with these things," she chuckled.

"A lot of weird ideas go through this brain," they chuckled. "Now go, go say goodbye to Draco, he already doesn't like me, I'd hate to find out what he'd do to me if he found out I kept you from saying goodbye to him," they chuckled again and shook their head.

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