{PART TWO} Prologue

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Aslan hated being in Newt's case, he knew (y/n) was in trouble, he knew that she needed him, but he was trapped in this case with no way of getting to her

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Aslan hated being in Newt's case, he knew (y/n) was in trouble, he knew that she needed him, but he was trapped in this case with no way of getting to her. Aslan didn't want the other wizard to take care of him anymore, and he really didn't want the human to come anywhere near him. They reminded Aslan of her, but they weren't the real thing. Aslan lost all his color, the color that she had helped him find again... he was back to black and grey, simply another creature of the shadows. He didn't think he would ever get his color back, and as long as he felt pain in his chest-the place she had always told Aslan his heart was- as long as he felt that he knew she needed him. (Y/n) needed Aslan and Aslan needed (y/n), no one else would suffice. If Aslan couldn't save her then there was no reason for him to be here. 


Jacob tried to take care of Aslan for (y/n) while she was away at Hogwarts, but the creature didn't want Jacob anywhere near him, and it didn't help that Jacob could never see the creature. Newt told him it was because he was a special type of creature whom can only be seen by those who have "seen death" he sounded so solemn about it too, Jacob didn't ask any further questions. Jacob was walking around with Newt, checking up on all the residents of Newt's breifcase, when they eventually made their way to where Aslan normally is. He hadn't eaten any of his food from the day before. Newt sighed and switched it out with fresh food. 

"I know Aslan, I know, I miss her too, she'll be home soon," Newt promised the creature, at least, Jacob thought he was talking to the creature, but for all he knew Newt could have been talking to an empty cave in the middle of the forest. 

"Is he going to die? Why won't he eat?" Jacob asked concerned. The last thing he wanted was for (y/n) to come home and find her favorite creature dead. 

Newt shook his head, "as long as (y/n) is alive he will live as well, he has sworn his life to her, he'll protect her no matter what, and he has to be alive to do that," he explained, patting Jacob lightly on the shoulder before moving on to the next creature. 

Jacob stayed in front of Aslan's cave for another moment, "we want the same thing Aslan," Jacob sighed, "but we can't always be with her when she gets into trouble, we both need to trust that she can save herself every now and again," he took a deep breath before moving on with Newt. 

Once Newt and Jacob were both out of sight Aslan poked his head out of his cave and took a bite of the food Newt had left out for him, not a lot, but a little, before he slunk back into the cave again. Newt was right, Aslan couldn't protect her if he died in that case. 



Please, talk to me. I know you're mad about what I did, I would be too if this was the other way around, but I need to talk to you, I need to apologize to you for everything, but it won't mean anything if I don't sat it in person. Please. I miss you. I miss you telling me stories about hunting creatures with Newt, and the ones about learning how to cook with Queenie, even the one's about the simple muggle adventure's you've been on with Jacob... I miss the sound of your voice, I miss hearing you sing quiety to yourself when you think I can't hear you, I miss you telling me to be quiet because you're trying to draw an animal that you don't want to run away. I miss seeing you're eye's sparkle whenever you laugh or smile. I miss being with you... Please just talk to me, even if it's the last time you ever talk to me, just give me one last conversation, one last hug, one last smile. That's all I need. I'm sorry. 

I love you more than I should, and it kills me inside to see you this upset with me. 

With all of my love, 

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