{Part 2} Chapter 3-The Midnight Train

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"Are you sure you don't want anyone to come with you?" Newt asked as the ferry boat slowly approached the docks of New York Harbor. It was clear from Newt's tone of voice that he wasn't joking, and it was obvious that he was worried about her going back to Hogwarts. 

(Y/n) simply smiled and shook her head, "I'll be fine Newt, this isn't my first year going to Hogwarts you know," she chuckled. She made light of it, even though she knew that this wasn't the same as years prior to this one: Hogwarts would never be the same. 

Newt sighed, shaking his head slightly, "I know,  I'm just worried about everything now that Dumbledore isn't there," he admitted quietly. 

(Y/n) nodded in understanding, "I get it," she stated, her smile turning to one of solemness. She took a quiet deep breath before she squatted down slightly and picked up her case that sat on the ground at her side.

Just then Jacob ran up to the docks, quickly coming up to both of them before practically skidding to a stop. "I thought I missed you," he chuckles,  catching his breath with an awkward and forced smile. 

(Y/n) turned her head to look over at him, "what's wrong Jacob?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and raising an eyebrow at him curiously. Jacob almost never came to the docks to see (y/n) leave, he said it was too emotional for him to see her get on the ferry, so it was weird to see him here this time. 

"You fogot this," Jacob stated as he held out his hand, which was holding (y/n)'s house scarf. The scarf was neatly folded in Jacob's hand, the same way it had been on (y/n)'s desk back at the appartment. 

(y/n) smiled, the scarf was something that Tina had made for her whent she taught (Y/n) how to crochet, "thank you," she chuckled, taking the homemade scarf from Jacob and tucking it into her bag. She closed her bag and quickly turned back to give Jacob a tight hug. 

Jacob chuckled quietly and hugged (y/n) back, squeezing his arms around her comfortingly, "be good okay? I'll see you at Christmas," he promised. He sounded like he was about to cry, which wouldn't have surprised (y/n) at all. 

(y/n) nodded, "I will," she promised quietly, pulling away from Jacob. There was a smile on her face, but tears threatened to fall from her eyes, pooling at the bottom of her eyes as she backed up. 

Then (y/n) gave Newt a hug, who responded with a hug equally as loving as Jacobs, "be safe little Bowtruckle, I'll see you soon," he sighed, rubbing (y/n)'s back comfortingly. 

(y/n) nodded again, and this time when she pulled away she backed up further, picking up her bags just as the horn sounded on the ferry that was pulling into the docks. (Y/n) waved to Newt and Jacob, a huge grin on her face as she backed up onto the ferry boat. 

Newt and Jacob waved back at (y/n) as she departed, Jacob had tears rolling down his face, which was exactly why Jacob never came to see her leave: He hated making (y/n) see him cry. Newt however, had a solemn smile on his face, he was sad to see her go but he knew she needed to go in order to go farther in this magical world. 

The ferry's horn sounded again as it began to pull out from the docks, headed across the ocean to England. Slowly the ferry brought (y/n) closer to one home, and pulled her farther away from another. 


(Y/n) didn't take a cart to carry her stuff in the train station, she didn't need to, everything fit into her enchanted case. It was a gift from Newt her first year of Hogwarts, and it was similar to his, except without all the magical creatures of course. 

(Y/n) tightly held her case by the handle as she wandered through King's Cross Station, finding her way to platforms 9 and 10. Quickly (y/n) looked around the train station, checking to ensure no Muggles were staring at her before she quickly slipped through the bricks the rested between platform's 9 and 10. 

Once inside platfom 9 3/4 (Y/n) took a deep breath, smiling to herself as she saw all the other witches and wizards running around the platform, most of them were pushing carts that were covered in their luggage, and in most cases held an animal's crate. 

(Y/n) had an owl of course, he was asleep in her case, he didn't really come out much, except to deliver (y/n)'s mail, which she didn't do often, most letters sent to America wouldn't be sent by owl anyway, they're too conspicuous. 

(Y/n) quickly made her way onto the train, and she almost instantly found the train car that Luca and Ray were already sitting in. 

(Y/n) smiled at the two of them as she slid the train car's door open. She stepped into the car and tucked her case in the compartment above the seats before sitting down next to Luca. Ray was sitting in the seat across from him. 

"Hey (Y/n)," Luca smiled at her as she sat down next to him, "how was your summer?" he greeted with a generic question, but from Luca it felt genuine. 

"Hi Luca, my summer was great, I hope your's was good too," (Y/n) smiled back at him warmly, her eyes closing as her lips spread in to a happy grin. (y/n) glanced between Ray and Luca, and her smile got a little smaller, but it stayed on her face as she looked to each of her friends. 

Ray chuckled quietly, "it's so good to hear that accent again," they joked, shaking their head teasingly. It was weird going from being in America to being in England, ecspecially because of how different everyone talked and how different the dialects were. 

(y/n) snapped her head over to look at Ray again, giggling slightly at his reaction, "is it really? I personally hate the sound of my own voice," she admitted. She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, unsure of what else to say to the comment. 

The three of them talked for a couple more minuets, catching up on what they eached missed over the summer break, which was a surprising amount of stuff. It seemed liked they talked for hours, but the train hadn't even left the station yet. 

Just then the door to the train car slid open, and a familiar face poked into the car. He looked around at the people in the car until his gaze found it's way to (y/n), "Hi," he sighed quietly. He took half a step into the train car, not walking in fully, but enough to see the front of his body. "Would it be okay if I sat in here? everywhere else is full," he explained, rubbing his arm shyly. 

(Y/n) turned her head to look over at the Slytherin standing in the doorway of the train car, she didn't say anything, just stared at him. She couldn't think of anything to say, there was nothing she wanted to say. 

Instead someone else spoke up on (y/n)'s behalf, "yeah, go ahead Draco, you can sit here," they stated. (Y/n) snapped her head towards the source of the voice, her eyes wide in shock, she couldn't say anything. 

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