Chapter 101 the neo

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Osira:Its time to start a new project.

/////////////ASH POV////////////

We make it back to lios base but she doesnt seem to be here.

Mirage exile:Well...its atleast a home.

The secret door opens and we see lio on the computer.

Lio:Hello again. Glad to see you didnt die.

Ash:Thank you?

Mirage exile:wasnt expecting you to send someone to save me. Our meeting was so brief.

Lio:We need everyone in this.

Ash:I dunno if you know this but the sattelite was blown out the sky.


Mirage exile:Scorch marks and bodies thrown everywhere. The ship was in pieces.

Lio:well either way its a victory just be cautious. This "thing" or "Weapon" could hit us anytime.

Mirage exile:Yeah its noted.

Lio:got a name mirage.

Mirage exile:Tyst.

Lio:intresting name..anyway tyst I want you to stay here.

Tyst:Yeah I need to rest anyways..

Lio:Ash good work. I want you to stay here too.

Ash:What why?

Lio:You liberated a whole prison and destroyed a good amount of it. Your a fresh face in the grineer faction. Ill go out okay.

Ash:alone again? You want us to get allies but if this continues your gonna wind up dead.

Lio:I just seem to work the best alone. No offense to you or tyst but I dont think we will work together often until later.


Lio:Ill be back in a few hours. Feel free to rest no one will get in here.

She walks out and locks the wall behind her.

Ash:*sigh* That just doesnt seem to be the way to do it.


Ash:oh well rest up we have to save energy.

She sits down in the corner

Tyst:thanks for saving me.


Tyst:They had only captured me for about 3 days but thanks... they seemed to just stuff bodies in a never took them out.

Ash:Dont mention it.

Tyst:Wonder where the other warframes went to.

Ash:Probably back to there homes or friends.

Tyst:or back to the war.

Ash:hehe yeah how about that. I wonder when this is all gonna end.

Tyst:end...the end wont happen for awhile.

I look down at my hands


/////////////Meanwhile on earth///////////////

Im up late at night and I hear a banging on my door

Osira:Come in.

It just keeps banging I form a ferrox and charge it up and then open the door


He fumbles in I still have the ferrox aimed at him


Warframe:lost cause(Finished)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang