Chapter 5

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Tyler Pov



I quietly asked

Josh looked a little confused on who this person was and why they were so important that i would actually talk. Even if it was only one word.

“Um..Yeah. She called to ask if you were allowed visitors so if you want to you can visit with her In a few days. Take your time to think about it and let me know your answer. If you want to tell me something but don't want to talk then just point to your lips and I'll give you a pen and paper.”

That's nice. The psychologists just wanted to force me to talk. As if talking would solve my problems. I also didn’t need to think about my decision. I want to visit with Jenna. I wont tell josh till tomorrow since im tired now and just want to sleep but Jenna had always been important to me until she abandoned me.



Jenna was on the cheerleading squad at school. We had been friends since middle school and still occasionally hung out after school. Except today, when her and two other cheerleaders decided to hang out with some jocks and show off their routine. So basically just flirting with the football players but making it seem like they were just showing off some moves.

I told Zack about this as we were on the way home and of course he had some dumb idea.

“Well, if jenna doesn’t want to hang out with you then let’s go hang out with her.”

He turned back around and started walking back toward school

“Wait Zack!! That’s not a good idea”

“Come on Tyguy have a little fun. It’ll be great we can show them some good moves to add to their routine.”

He laughed as i followed after him. I knew that i wasn’t gonna change his mind so i always end up going along with his dumb stunts.

We got to the field and Zack ran towards them and started doing cliche cheer moves which just made the cheerleaders confused and the jocks mad.

One of the them yelled at us,

“Hey!!! Freak get the fuck out of here. What do you think you’re doing?”

Zack just kept dancing before jumping on the fence

“aww, you don't like my cheering fuckface or is it cause i’m not in a mini skirt?”

They came around the fence as Zack yelled at me to run. They chased us off the field and we ran home laughing. Well Zack laughing me not so much.

That night I got a text from Jenna.

Jenna🎀: Tyler I can't believe you did that. Please never do that again

Ty💀: Sorry, it was Zack's idea but I'll make sure to never tell him when you're staying after school again

Jenna🎀: Really Tyler? You can't keep blaming everything you do on Zack.

For some reason Jenna didn't believe me that Zack exists since he was a year above us so we've never had classes together and when she hangs out he is always out doing stuff.

Ty💀: watever gn Jen

Jenna🎀: gn Ty

End flashback


I was brought out of my memories by Josh

“Tyler? You okay there bud. You zoned out for a while there.”

I nodded my head

“Okay well i talked to the nurses and they said that i can take off the restraints as long as i’m here to monitor you.”

I nodded my head again but could feel my eyes watering as i thought of why i was even being restrained. As Josh undid the restraints i let a tear slip down my face which Josh immediately noticed but before he said anything i spoke up

“I’m sorry”

He didn't look as shocked as the first time he heard me speak

“Ty. it’s okay. None of this is your fault. None of it. I can tell you don’t want to talk about it so how about i tell you why i call Brendon, bread bin and other stories, since i know you must be curious about that still?”

I don't know how Josh could always tell what i was thinking but it didn't matter. I nodded and Josh began his tale after scooting his chair right up to the hospital bed as i layed down and got comfy

“Well it all started our sophomore year of high school when a few of my friends and i were walking late at night to the store to get a bunch of snacks and redbull. Right when we got to the doors Brendon came running out with like ten loafs of bread in his arms and a beanie pulled over his face. I only knew it was him because he saw us and yelled, “hey Josh.” but then he tripped over a trash bin that was outside the store. He got up and collected all the bread before running off again being chased by a security guard”

Josh took a break from the story as we were both laughing really hard and he had to catch his breath and wipe the tears from his eyes.

“Ha! And he was never caught, ha ha so he lived off of sandwiches and toast for like two months”

Just then Brendon walked in to check up on me.

“Oh no if Josh is laughing this hard, did he tell you the bread story?”

I nodded and laughing as Josh was clutching his stomach and laughing still

“Oh my god it hurts i'm laughing so hard”

Brendon just chuckled before taking a seat and explained how the bread thing was a dare from some kid which just made Josh laugh even harder.

This was the first time that i actually kind of enjoyed being in Dema. With Brendon and more importantly, Josh.

I loved writying that bread part 😂
Saty Alive ||-//

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