Chapter Eight

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Dairy Queen's light up sign dawned like a beacon at the end of the street.  I held Marielle's hand in mine as we smiled.  

We ordered shakes and barbecue sandwiches.  I learned that her favorite color was violet.  She told me that someday she wanted to help the world but she didn't know how.

"I think that if you find something you have a knack for, then someday you can use it to help people," I suggested.

"I don't think I'm very good at anything, like first of all, I suck at school, I can't figure out those equations, or write essays as you can, but that's probably because I rarely go to school," she laughed.

"You're good at playing darts," I offered while she finished eating her sandwich.  Gotta say, for a girl, she can eat.  Even more than Siggy, that kid was so skinny but every time we went out to eat, Siggy would practically inhale the food.  He was like an endless pit.  I figured that Siggy didn't get much food at home since he had a bunch of younger siblings.  

She shrugged and finished chewing.  "I don't see how that can help people."  She had a big drop of barbecue sauce on her chin.  I tried to hold back, but I began laughing at her.  Marielle glared at me.  "Whatcha laughing at?"

I motioned to my chin and kept laughing.  She wiped the sauce off with her napkin.

"Alright, Andy Dandy, you can quit the cackling now," she grumbled.

"Mary Larry," I retorted.


It took us about a half hour to walk to the river. We sat on the edge of the dock far from the noise and sounds of late night traffic.  We let our legs hanging out over the edge under the dim glow of a streetlight.  I looked down at the dark water watching the shadows of our feet move side to side.  

So far the evening had been a series of small talk, flirting and awkwardness.  That was okay.  But I was ready for a deeper level.  I wasn't an on the surface person.  I enjoyed plunging headfirst into whatever dark intrigues lurked below.  

My hand was sitting next to me on the wood, right next to Marielle's hand.  She began drumming her fingers on the dock to a beat.  Marielle started to hum a sweet tune.  A dreamy song, which I didn't know the title, but I remembered the melody.  I took a deep breath and whistled along to her anthem.  Our sounds flew out into the night air and swerved in and out in between melody and harmony.  We looked up at the inky black sky and watched our notes soar above the clouds, more beautiful than the stars.  My hand got a mind of its own and decided to entwine its fingers with Marielle's.

Her blonde hair brushed against her moonlit cheeks as she turned and looked at me.  Our anthem stopped as we stared at each other.  I felt something bring us closer and closer.  My eyes were glued to her lips.  

But then she moved away and her lips moved.

"Can I tell you a secret, Andy?" Marielle tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Uhh, sure," I felt my cheeks get hot.  

"I've uh, actually been spying on you guys for a long time," she mumbled and looked up at the sky.

"What?" I felt like I didn't hear her right.  

"You, and your gang.  Thomas, Siggy, you, and sometimes Theo.  Ever since about two years ago when you guys first got together.  I found it fascinating, how you and Thomas got along so well."

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