Final Encounter

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Mitchel and Timmy both jumped at the loud knocking coming from the front door. They looked at each other then proceeded to creep down into the living room keeping away from the windows.

"Hello?" a small female voice called from behind the door. The boys kept silent.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" a young boy's voice called this time. The boys remained silent. Timmy held on tightly to his brother's sleeve feeling slightly ashamed to be acting like a scared child. His brother stood still as stone. Looking intently at the door, his breathing was shallow yet shaken.

There was a long pause before both voices suddenly started to speak in unison.

"We know you're there. We can see you." The girl's voice giggled as the brothers straightened in shock. Mitchel, tightening his grip on the bat with both hands now, looked at all the windows, noting that the blinds were turned outwards which would make it impossible to see in. However, the feeling in his gut told him that it didn't matter for whatever those kids were behind the front door. He walked slowly to the door waving off his brother who was now tugging at his arm. Shushing him, he turned his attention back to the door making his way to it. He softly placed his hand on the door and peered through the peephole. Staring back at him were the red eyes of the two kids from three years ago. To his horror, he realized that these two were the very children he saw earlier at the crossroads. The children seemed to lack any facial expression as they stared back at him. He pulled away, a bead of sweat now making its way past his thin brow.

"What do you want?" Mitchel asked, his voice firm despite his quivering body.

"To come inside..." said the young girls voice.

"... and play with you. Both of you," finished the young boys voice.

"Just let us in. we've been waiting so long Timmy."

Timmy shrank back his eyes now tearing up as he looked up at his brother whose eyes he now noticed were just as scared as his. Mitchel then stepped towards the door, holding his bat threateningly, looking towards the door as if he was looking right at those two kids from all those years ago.

"You freaks get away from my door right now! Neither of you are getting in and there's no way in hell you're getting your filthy hands on my brother you hear me?!"

".... Please, let us in Mitchel" the voices once again said in unison.


There was another pause. It seemed to go on forever until-


"Let us in, now." All playful demeanor had left the voices and the knocking started once again.


The house started to shake at the force of the banging. Both boys started to make their way upstairs. The kids' voices seemed to echo as if they were behind every door. Timmy ran into their mothers room, Mitchel following suit. The boy's chests were heaving as Mitchel looked at Timmy.

"Quick, give me the phone!"

Timmy handed him the phone but saw his brother's face fall as he tried to activate the screen.

"Shit!" his head slumped back against the door, still shaking from the rhythmic banging downstairs.

"What's wrong," whispered Timmy, too afraid to speak aloud lest the kids downstairs hear him.

"The phone has no signal. Can you believe it? Those freaks have us stuck in a stupid horror movie cliche," Mitchel was laughing now. It was the only way he could cope. They had no way to call for help and obviously they couldn't run. He didn't know what those brats were capable of, but he knew they weren't natural. Not with the weird stuff happening around them.

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