The First sight

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The first time Timmy saw the red eyed children, he was 6 years old. Mitchel assumed that he was trying to mess with him, it was around the time of Halloween after all. Plus, they were gone by the time he checked. The second time he saw them he was nine. Once again, it was the night before Halloween. He looked outside the window then jumped back a moment later, looking scared. 

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's them"


"Those red eyed kids. Look!" He pointed, never removing his eyes from the window. His brother noted the trembling of his hand and proceeded to walk over. He tilted a section of the blinds down and looked in the direction his brother pointed. His blood suddenly turned to ice as he saw two blonde children standing underneath the tree across the street. One was a boy who stood taller beside his companion who was a girl. Both looked young, maybe around eleven and were tall with a slender frame.

"They're closer this time" whispered Timmy, hiding behind his brother still keeping eye contact with the kids across the street.

Their clothing was black all over and both wore a turncoat of the same shade and design. Their blonde hair was a look reminiscent of the Malfoy character he saw in those harry potter films. However, there was a borderline  unnatural silver like sheen to it. Their skin a porcelain white contrasted against the one feature that caused shivers to run through him. Their eyes were a vibrant almost glowing shade of crimson. They smiled at him. 

Mitchel leapt back then proceeded to put up his arm protectively in front of his brother as he once again approached the blinds. But this time when he moved them, they were gone. He looked around the house's yard then up and down the street but it was completely empty.

He and his brother switched rooms that weekend. They told their mother that they just wanted a change in scenery. Even promised to do most of the heavy lifting themselves. They didn't want her to worry or be scared so they promised to keep what they saw between themselves. Without their dad around they took the responsibility of being the men of the house seriously at that time. It had been nine years since their father had passed. 

Now that Mitchel was twenty, he was feeling the weight of fear. The fear of losing his brother. He tried to rationalize it but every three years his younger brother had seen those kids and it was about that time again. As he put on his clothes and proceeded downstairs, he wondered about the old metal bat he had in closet. Should he take it out or should he leave it just to keep his brother calm.

"Finally, I thought you'd never be done."

"Shut up and go get in the car loser" Mitchel joked as he looked for his car keys.

"After you pretty boy" his brother quipped back, throwing the keys at Mitchel proceeding to leave. 

Red EyesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя