Second Sighting

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As they drove towards the store, Mitchel allowed Timmy to pick the music knowing it would give him a sense of control and happiness. Something his little brother needed on this day. They reached a stoplight at a crossroads, VIXX's Voodoo Doll blasting so loud Mitchel was sure it could be heard across the street. His brother was singing his heart out as he smiled and observed his surroundings. As he noticed a group of kids crossing the street, his hair suddenly stood on end. Time seemed to slow down as he saw the two blond children among them, looking right at him, smirking as they walked by. Almost hauntingly, the world seem to fall away with every other sound having a faint echo. Only the words from the song rang clear in his ear as they passed directly into his line of sight; "Jjaekkak, Jjaekkak, da sarajirira."

 He blinked and just like before they were gone. He straightened up, his eyes blinking frantically looking for the children in the group but to no avail. Hearing a honk behind him, he registered the now green light and started forward once again.

"Mitchel, I know you basically just woke up, but can you not fall back asleep behind the wheel? I would like to survive the trip," Timmy chuckled turning his attention back to the music. Mitchel realized that his brother had not seen the children. Perhaps he was more on edge than he thought. With the next song having a much softer tone, he decided to ask his brother what the line from the previous song meant.

"Oh? It means "Tick Tock, Tick Tock, may it all disappear." The last line switched it up since the other lines were similar."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, in the other lines they say "Jjaekkak, Jjaekkak, da irwojirira" which translates to something like "Tick Tock may it all be fulfilled." That last line is  pretty creepy by itself though huh?"

Mitchel continued to stare ahead as he finally pulled into the parking lot of the store. Allowing the significance of the words chosen to sink in.

"Yeah. Pretty creepy." 


It was around seven at night when they made it back. Surprisingly, their mothers' car wasn't in the driveway. Mitchel could sense his brothers unease at the lack of normalcy. This was not the night to have anything off schedule happen. He looked at his brother as he turned off the vehicle.

"Hey, don't freak out. She probably got held up at the office. We can check the answering machine when we get inside.... Okay?

Timmy merely looked at him solemnly and nodded. The boys made their way inside with the groceries, both thankful for the Halloween themed lights that their mother and her current boyfriend had set up in the front yard. Once they had finished placing everything in their respective places Mitchel headed for the answering machine. Seeing a blinking red one on the machine, he pressed the play button.


"Hey boys! I know you guys were looking forward to having me home tonight, but something came up at work, so I have to stay longer than expected. I probably won't be home until the morning. But don't worry, momma will make up for it tomorrow, Okay? I love you both and I'll see you when you wake up. Watch something good for me. Love you, Love you! Bye"


Feeling even more nervous, Mitchel got started on preparing them while Timmy prepped the candy bowls for the following day. Both doing their best to maintain what was left of any normalcy.

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