Chapter 18

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The soft beep of the breathing machine is all you can hear in the vacant room. Greg is sleeping, since it's still early in the morning, but the time of day doesn't bother me. Since Greg will have to stay in the hospital for three days at the very least, I decided to try and make him more comfortable. Before any of the nurses saw me, I snuck in with a big bag of stuff. I brought him some of his own pillows, his favorite derby poster, some comfortable clothes, a blanket our grandma made, and his iPhone. I tape up the poster across from his bed so he can see it, lay the blanket across him, fluff up the pillows at the end of his bed so he can have them when he wakes up, and put the clothes and phone on an empty chair. Hospital aren't really known for their hospitality, ironically, so I don't know if we're allowed to do this. Who cares anyway? We want Greg to heal and it's so boring and miserable to heal in a silent, white room.

I got up so early that I didn't even have a chance to eat breakfast before I came over. I'm starving! I know Greg won't wake up for a while more and my mom should come along soon, so I'll go grab something from a restaurant nearby. I get up and sneak out of the room, down the hall and into the lobby. I'm not supposed to be here. It's not visiting hours! The nurse at the front desk is busy with some papers in the back room, so I take my chance to run out of the hospital and into the courtyard. There is some generic diner across the street so I go in and order breakfast, deciding to take it to-go. I sit around and wait for the food to be ready, pulling out my phone. I don't know what time it is where the boys are, but Skype is worth a shot. I dial Liam's Skype, hoping he'll pick up and I'll see his wonderful face, but there is no answer. I frown and shoot him a text. "Tried to skype you guys but I realized you're probably all asleep Sorry! :)" Then the little blonde waitress hands me my box of food. I wave goodbye and step into the cool morning air. The food smells enticing and I decide to eat it in Greg's room so that the smell can wake him up and he'll eat something. 

Once I've successfully snuck back into Greg's room, I set the food down and turn to sit beside him. He is awake, sitting up and messing with his phone. 

"Oh hey mate! How are you feeling this fine morning?" I ask him cheekily. He smiles at me,

"I'm doing okay! Thanks for bringing me all this! Makes the room a bit better to lay around in!" I nod and press a finger to my lips, pretending to whisper.

"I'm not supposed to be here or bring this stuff, but I thought you might want it." He nods and chuckles at the fact that I snuck all this in. Then he dials in on the carton of food.

"Is that fresh food?!" He says excitedly. I get my appetite from my dad. Who gave it to Greg as well. I chuckle and sit beside him on the bed.

"Yeah, do you want some?" I taunt, opening the carton and taking a huge bite of the eggs. He glares at me and reaches for the plastic fork. I hand it to him, happy to see that he is feeling good enough to fight over the food.

After we're done with all the food, I hunt around the room for the remote to the TV in the corner. I finally find it under the bed and we turn on some football. We sit together, laughing and talking about the players on TV. I finally feel like my brother is safe and on the road to recovery. Now if only I could talk to Liam...


"Ready? 1, 2, 3, GO!" We run and leap onto the bed, landing on top of Zayn and Liam. Louis jumps up and down, shouting

"Get up sunshines! It's a special day!" I chuckle and begin to tickle Zayn. He grumbles and rolls over, pulling a pillow onto his head.

"Zaaayn, c'mon get uuuuup! Arianna is already awake!" I say. He immediately shoots out of bed, a shocked look on his face.

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