"I think I drunk too much" Alec said.

"How much did you drink?" Magnus inquired.

"That bottle you gave me" Alec responded, like it was normal.

"The entire thing? You drunk an entire bottle of vodka and your still alive? I told you to get a glass" Magnus replied, shocked. 

"I got a glass and a couple more, then the bottle was gone" Alec explained.

"Whatever get back in bed. You're staying the night". Magnus told him

"My dad" Alec protested weakly.

"If he has any problems he can come tell me". The warlock told his boyfriend.

"Okey dokey" Alec responded.



"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Good night"

"Good night".Then Alec's soft snores filled the air.

I stood confused. Alec really seemed happy with Magnus. Maybe I had judged too quickly. Maybe.

(Time skip - Robert is at the Institute. Also important info; Robert has been sleeping in a separate room from Maryse cuz she kicked him out after he punched Alec)

I knocked on the door to our bedroom, which I've been exiled from since the incident when Alec showed his affection towards Magnus. And I responded by punching him

"Come in" Maryse replied. I walked in."Oh hello Robert. Now where have you been in the dead of night?"

"I went to collect our son from Magnus" I replied.

"So what changed your mind?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?" I replied.

"You called Magnus by his name. Not warlock and not it. Now what changed your mind?"

"When I went to his house I overheard them talking. They care about one another and I understand now that I overreacted to the situation" I said.

"Good. You will invite them over and apologize. Tomorrow" she instructed.

"Of course" I replied.

"Please leave me. If tomorrow goes well you may return to our bedroom". I nodded. "Oh and Robert?"

"Yes?" I asked.

"Put his name back in your recommended successor. He has truly earned it"

"The Clave will not have him if he is in a relationship with a warlock. It doesn't matter if I place his name there" I told her.

"Just do it Robert" she said. I nodded and left her room.

(Time skip - now it's about 10 am and both Magnus and Alec are at the Institute)

I was waiting for my son and his boyfriend to come. They were already late but then again, Magnus didn't work early so he probably hasn't seen my fire message yet. I left my office and walked the hall.

I saw my son and Magnus. They were speaking in low voices. This wing of the Institute was currently empty aside from my family and Magnus. I walked over to them.

They both looked up and before I could say anything, three masked figures were walking up to us. "Magnus watch ou-" I began.

One person pushed Alec away and the other two grabbed Magnus. One was definitely female and the other two were built like males.

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