Preston x reader

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(In this one you are Gwen's adopted daughter, you can't walk cuz of your real mom, you have to stay in a tent with black and bandaged legs, you love reading, drawing, singing and seeing people.)

Preston's P.O.V:
Gwen's been gone every breakfast, she would take an extra tray of food then leave to somewhere.

I know it's not her cabin cuz I've waited there one morning.
I disused I was gonna fallow her to were ever she was going.

Gwen's P.O.V:
I went to see (Y/n) as usual.
I got the food and started to walk out till I saw Preston staring at me.
I just kept walking thinking he was trying to have a staring contest with everyone.

I continued walking till I got to (Y/n)'s tent.

"Mama Gwen!" I heard as I walked in.
She was on her bed with a big smile on He pale face.

"How's the little shit this morning?"
"Same as always Gwen!" I gave her the food and we ate and chatted with each other.

I had to go after that so I went back to the camp with the trays in hand.
"Bye little shit, I'll be back for lunch!"
"Can't wait Gwen!" I left back to the camp.

Preston's P.O.V:
I followed Gwen in hopes she wouldn't find me.

We got to a tent in the forest.
I stayed there but couldn't hear much of what they were talking about.

Gwen finally left and when she was far enough I went in to the mistress tent in the woods.

It was a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair that was up in a ponytail, she had lovely s/t skin that matched her (e/c) eyes perfectly, she had an over sized sweater and a blanket covering her legs.

She looked at me.

Your P.O.V:
When mama Gwen left a new person came in.

He had light brown hair, orangish brown eyes, and a funny outfit, he looked about my age, and over all he was actually kinda cute.

He was looking at me.

"Hi I'm Preston Goodplay, and you?"
"(Y-Y/n) (L/n) nice to meet you Preston!" I gave him a little smile that he exchanged.

"So (Y/n) what are you doing out here?" He asked, I patted the spot next to me to tell him to sit down.
I got the blanket off me to reveal my bandaged legs.

I untapped them to show them black and purple with bruises.

He looked at me with concern
"I'm fine don't worry, it's just hurts a little!" He wouldn't stop looking at me and I didn't know why, he stopped.

"So what do you do for fun?" He asked, "Not much really, I just read, draw and sometimes sing or resist poetry." His eyes lit up when I said 'poetry'.

"You like poetry to?!" Ha asked excited and waiting for my response, "Yes of course I do, I even try writing my own." He got really excited then asked if he could read some of my poems, I said yes and took out my poetry book and let him read.

Gwen's P.O.V:
Everyone was at the 'camps' and I didn't see Preston there, David asked me to get him, but he was no were to be seen.

I went to all the places were he could have been but nothing.

I tried to remember were I say him last and had a hunch.

I ran to (Y/n)'s tent and opened it to see her and Preston reading and writing.

"Preston why the fuck are you here!?" I saw him look up with a face of fear and regret, (Y/n) just looked happy, like the kind of happy I see when I'm here.

"Mama Gwen your back!" "Mama?" Preston questioned.

I sighed and told Preston to come back to camp and that he could come back here at lunch, he smiled and hugged (Y/n) bye and she told him he could borrow her book.

We left and I explained everything to him (that your mom was abusing you and made sure you won't walk again, and that Gwen adopted you)
We got back to the camp and did what ever we do.

LONG Time skip~(Your P.O.V:
It was two weeks since I first met Person.

He would come visit me on his free days and meal times and would read with me.

I started to develop feelings for him and was going to tell him when I saw him next.

. . . . .
I got nervous as he walked in.
He sat down on my bed and started to read.

"U-um Preston?" "Yes (Y/n)?" He respondents while smiling that made me even more nervous.

"I-I-I need to t-tell y-you something of the upmost importance's!" I said while he questioned it.

"W-well it's just a y-yes or no question r-really but not all at once..." He looked a little confused so I took out a poem I wrote before he came In and gave it to him.

Preston's P.O.V:
She handed me a poem and it read

Love is a pure feeling of heart.
Love is true when love is new.
Love makes the world go round.
The passion and Compassion that surround.
When you fall in love,
You are not you.
Everything looks amazing and new!
From my heart, I wish to confess.
That I love you!
I felt my face get hot as I was blushing.

I looked to her to see she was looking down, she was blushing to.
"I- I didn't know how t-to tell you so I wrote that I-instead..." I looked back to the words 'I love you' and back at her.

"D-do you r-really feel this w-way?" She nodded once, I put the poem down and cupped her face to make her look at me.

I kissed her forehead, "I feel the same way." She smiled and pulled my face to hers and kissed me.
I was surprised but kissed back.

Just then Gwen came in and made me a little startled. "H-hay... Gwen..." she stuttered.

"Ok... Preston, (Y/n) I'm gonna leave and when I get back this... will have never happened..." "Yes Gwen" I said while Gwen left.

"That went well" she said while smiling, "I guess s-." I got cut off by her kissing me again and I kissed back.

We broke apart and put everything back in its place.
"So um are we a thing now?"
"If you wanna be" we kissed again then started to read.

(Ok so I'm done and if you have any ideas on the next one I'm willing to try💚💛)

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