The Decision Made

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I had decided that day that I was going to do it. I had just almost lost my life and it helped me put everything in to perspective. I only had one life to live so I might as well live it up. Screw working at a job I didn't enjoy that much and waisting time. I wanted to be free and feel young again. I wanted to feel like I wasn't just hit with a car. 

I picked up my phone and texted Ronnie. All it said was "Okay." but I figured he would recieve the message loud and clear. I called my mom after to let her know what I was doing. 

"I'm glad sweetie. You need a break. You need fun!" She was cheering. I knew she was going to be all smiled around it. Shit, her and Ronnie have probably talked more in the past week than I had with her. 

I couldn't help but smile all day as I packed a light bag of clothes and worked out travel arrangments. I texted Dana to let her know I would be gone for a little while and all I got back in return was a string of "I'm so happy for you!"'s. I had told Pat about my plans and he said there would always be a place for me when I got back, which made me a little more reassured. 

The next day I found myself in a cab on my way to some venue in Atlanta, Georgia where I was going to be reunited with the band that I so loved. I texted Ronnie telling him I was somewhat close and he responded saying he would meet me outside. 

After about ten minutes the cab dropped me off outside of some concert hall type place in Georgia. I could feel the heat beat down on me and the air was a lot different than Las Vegas. This is what I missed about traveling with him. Going to new places and seeing new people and experiencing new things. It was all so exciting. I loved always being on my toes. 

"Sophie!" Ronnie said coming outside and he hugged me immediately. "Here." He said handing me a lanyard with a pass on the end that would allow me to travel freely backstage. I was a little surprised that I wasn't greeted with a kiss but I didn't want to seem like that whiny girl so I brushed it off and followed him inside with my little duffle of clothes.

"Hey Sophie!" Jacky greeted me when I got to the back room that was given to them for the night by the venue. 

"Hey!" I came around and gave him a hug. I sat down next to him on some ratty ass couch and put my bag down on the ground. After catching up with him for some time, they got called out for a sound check. I took the opportunity to mosey around the joint and familiarize myself with my surroundings. I found their merch area that was currently being set up. Some older guy and a younger girl were pulling things out of boxes and hanging them up. I noticed a white tank top that had Ronnie on it blowing a kiss. I started snickering to myself at how ridiculous it was. It was probably his idea too, no doubt. Arrogant asshole. 

I hatched a plan to casually walk behind and steal one. I'm sure if I asked for one they would have given me one but where's the fun in that? I snuck around and saw one sticking out of a box and swiftly pulled it out and hid it in my shirt while briskly walking away unnoticed. Hey, I used to be a merch girl, the least I deserve is one free tank top. 

I decided I was going to change into it for the show since I thought it was funny. They came back to the room around the same time I did to start getting ready for the show. 

I missed the energy of being backstage and the constant talk about their instraments and basically just all the show jargin. I somewhat kept to myself though, so I could observe. 

This was a lot different than my days with Escape the Fate. I wasn't watching Ronnie shoot up ten minutes before gong on stage while people in the room whispered and talked shit behind his back. I was too busy thinking about the past that I didn't even notice Ronnie pop up behind me. 

"You seem troubled." He was bent over and leaning on the back of the chair I was sitting in. 

"Not troubled. Just thinking." I told him. I turned sideways so I could see him. 

Take It Back, My Friend (Ronnie Radke)Where stories live. Discover now