The Guys

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I had to wake up early again and go to my lovely desk job. I was making schedules all day but I kept dozing off. The day seemed to drag on and on. I got off around 4 and texted Dana to tell her to come over around 5 and we could do dinner. 

'Mexican night? I'll bring stuff!' She texted back and my mouth started to water at the thought. I hadn't really eaten lunch so I was starving. 

As I was driving home I got a text from Ronnie asking what I was doing. I waited until I was sitting at a red light to respond 'dinner with Dana' and he responded almost instantly saying I should come meet the guys after. I don't know why but I felt nervous. Like I was meeting the parents or something. 

I got home and told Dana she could come over whenever. She said she was on her way. I remembered I needed to call my mom. I haven't talked to her in a while so I thought to make a note. I dug in my purse when I got home to get my notepad and when I pulled it out the first thing on it was what looked like chicken scratch and a signature and I was brought back to the grocery store. 

"To the pretty lady who's been my fan since 85, here's to making up for lost time"

I don't know how long I stared at the note but I was taken from my thoughts by the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Dana walked in a few seconds later with several bags and made her way to the kitchen. 

"Hello hello! I come with gifts!" 

"You didn't have to get that much!" I told her as she set all the bags down on the counter. 

"I know I kind of overdid it a little" She laughed. 

"Well let me change and we can get started." 

I changed into a pair of comfy yoga pants and an old warped tour tank top. "I was thinking..." Dana started off with as she separated all the food. 

"Hold on, two bottles of tequila?!" I said as I pulled them out of the bag. 

"Yeah, Margaritas! Duh." She continued to unpack. "So anyways, I was thinking, you should invite the guys over for dinner too!" 

"The guys?" I asked. 

"Yeah, like the whole band. Let's make dinner for them!" 

Was this girl serious?

"What happened to gossiping all night?" I asked but she made me realize I never responded to Ronnie. 

"We can still do that! Come on! It'll be fun!"

I pulled my phone out of my purse that was sitting on the kitchen table and texted Ronnie.

'Dana and I are making Mexican food for dinner. You should just bring the guys over here for dinner'

'Your place?' He replied.

'Yeah, let's say in an hour? If that's cool with you?' 

'Yeah can't wait!' 

Well this should be an interesting night. 

"So I know you've told me about this guy before but explain how this rekindle is going?" 

"There is no rekindle. We are just being civil while he's in town." She stopped what she was doing to turn and look at me with a raised eyebrow. 

"You're telling me there is no chemistry there at all?" She questioned. 

"No." I told her and she rolled her eyes. 

"If you insist." 

"There isn't! Besides, this isn't like when we were 18 and I could just run away and tour with him or some shit. I have bills and a life that I need to go on with. So chemistry or not, it would never work." I explained. 

Take It Back, My Friend (Ronnie Radke)Where stories live. Discover now