The Fog

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I didn't know where I was. I felt like I was standing in the dark surrounded by fog. Why was there so much fog? Actually, I wasn't standing. I was floating. Maybe it wasn't fog but a cloud. Why the hell am I in a cloud? 


What was that? I felt like the foggy clouds were whispering my name. Every way I looked the fog was whispering my name. I didn't like this place. I wanted out. I tried looking for anything to get me out of the fog but I didn't see anything. I started to panic. 


It was getting louder. I felt as though the fog was swallowing me. My head was suddenly pounding and I felt like I couldn't move my body. 


It was practically screaming at me now and I was weighted down. I felt paralyzed and I was terrified. 


Suddenly everything was bright and it took me a moment to realize I was staring at a light. You're not supposed to go towards the light so I squeezed my eyes shut. I may have no idea what the hell is going on, but I did know that. 


I opened my eyes towards the sound of my name and I was staring back into big brown eyes. Where'd the fog go again?


He had his hands around both my forearms pinning me down. No wonder I couldn't fucking move. I made to wiggle out of his hold but I felt nothing but pain when I tried to sit up. Let go, asshole. 

"Stop moving. You're hurt." He spoke. 

Why the hell was he here? Hurt? I was so lost. 

"Oh sweet baby." A voice said and my mom appeared behind Ronnie's shoulder. "You were having a terrible nightmare." 

It was then that I realized my heart was pounding and I was a little short of breath. 

Then everything hit me. Kind of ironic since I was hit and put in this situation to begin with. If I was awake then why did I feel so out of it? 

"Darling, how are you feeling?" My mom pushed Ronnie back and was leaning over me. 

"Like I got hit by a car." 

She frowned. "That's not funny." 

"Want to know what's not funny? Getting hit by a car." God damn my head hurt. 

"Sophie Grace." My mother said harshly. 

"Do you need anything?" Ronnie asked. I looked over at him. 

"No." I said and a nurse burst in the room. 

"Great to see you awake again!" She was smiling. She came over and did nurse things but I was in too much pain to care. I closed my eyes and completely blocked out every word she said. I wanted out of here. Why couldn't I be in my own nice bed at home? 

I don't know how long I laid there but I eventually found myself in a field of flowers with a cotton candy stand and a carousel. I walked to the stand and Max was working it. I bought a cotton candy from Max and made my way to the carousel. Ronnie was wearing this ridiculous carnival outfit. 

This was all too weird. Get me out of this place. 

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