The Lunch Date

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After collecting and splitting tips for the night, Dana and I walked towards the parking garage. I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Dana calling my name out until she was waving a hand in front of my face. 

"I'm sorry, what?" I turned towards her.

"You've got it bad right now." She said snickering and I shot her a glare. "What was that conversation about?" She asked.

"We agreed to get lunch to catch up."

"Huh. Well like I said, if you need to talk about it I can come over?" Dana offered.

"No, I'll be okay. It's like 4 in the morning. It's cool. I'll call you if I need anything though." I said as I unlocked my car. I got in and backed out making my way home. It took all my will power to focus on driving and not let my mind wonder. I eventually made it home safely and started to get ready for bed. I had tomorrow off which is why I worked so late tonight which means I get to sleep in. As I crawled into bed and I tried to get comfy but nothing was working. 

I don't know how long I laid there with my eyes open just staring at the ceiling. My phone sat on the nightstand next to me and it might as well have had a giant red flashing light on it because it was the only thing I could think of. I had to talk to him. What was I supposed to do though, call him? No, that won't do either of us good. I wasn't ready for that. I kept thinking of some excuse to text him. It's six in the morning at this point so now it's just weird. 

Then I realized that he should be going on tour soon. His new band recently released their debut album so obviously they'd be out touring and promoting it. I thought about googling my question before I decided that this would give me the perfect opportunity to text him. 

I grabbed my phone so quickly that I almost knocked over the lamp on the table too. I pulled up my contacts and scrolled to find him. I almost laughed out loud when I saw that he saved his name as Ronald in my phone. So I pulled up a new text and typed out,  'Are you in town for long?' I put the phone back down slightly satisfied. What I wasn't expecting was almost an immediate ding of my phone signaling a new text. 

'Here for about a week' 

I felt like I was staring at my phone for hours when in reality it was only a minute. I didn't even know what to respond with because I honestly wasn't expecting a response back for a while. Shouldn't he be sleeping? Normal people are not up at these hours but then again I guess he wasn't very normal. 

So I sent back, 'When do you want to do lunch?' and of course seconds later...

'Is tomorrow okay with you?' 

I can't believe I was getting this worked up over texting someone. Who was I? I felt like some 13 year old fangirl. Wait, did he mean tomorrow like today and tomorrow like tomorrow. It was 6 in the morning after all. 

'Like today or tomorrow?' And now we play the waiting game, although I didn't have to wait for very long.

'Haha I guess today' And there's the answer. Before I could even think of a response another text came in 'If that's cool with you?' 

I couldn't help smiling. I typed out a quick 'Today is cool' and I was almost giddy. Giddy. Like what the hell was wrong with me?!

'Great! Anywhere anytime is fine by me. Up to you' 

What was I supposed to pick? Are we going super casual or kind of casual? Not fancy because this wasn't a date. I was so lost on what to pick. So I told him. 

'I'm ok with anything.'

'How about in-n-out on on Tropicana?' 

Heartbroken again. We had spent a lot of time there before everything. I've watched Ronnie scarf down countless different burgers or the guys throw fries at each other across the table. Of course he picked a familiar place. 

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