The Sleepover

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We walked to my bedroom together and I almost just face planted into bed and passed out. I walked to my bathroom and turned the light on and it helped light up a bit of the bedroom.

"Make yourself at home." I told him. He kicked his jeans off and climbed into my bed. When I was ready I made my way to my bed but stopped in the doorway at the site in front of me. Never in a million years did I ever think I would have this man back in my bed.

"Like what you see?" He asked putting his hands behind his head and I laughed. I turned the light off and climbed into the other side of bed.

"Goodnight Sophie." He spoke quietly.

"Goodnight Ronald." And I turned so my back was to him. I was beyond exhausted but I just couldn't fall asleep to save my life. The only thing I could focus on was the man in bed next to me. The only man I had every truly loved in my whole life. I don't know why I was being so spontaneous all of a sudden but after god knows how long of just laying there staring into the darkness I sat up abruptly and looked at him. He must not have been asleep either because his head turned to look at me. I could see him in the shadows and through the light that the moon brought in through my open window. He looked like he was about to say something but before he could get a word out I fell onto him and crashed my lips to his.

I could tell he was startled at first but that maybe lasted a second because right after his arm was suddenly around me and a hand on hip. We pulled apart for the sole purpose of breathing and went back to where we left off. His hand slowly started to creep up my shirt and all it felt like was electric.

The whole time I felt like I was being struck by lightening. I could barely form any thoughts together and the next thing i know I'm not wearing a shirt and neither is he. I was straddling his hips and I pulled back to breathe and we were both breathing heavy.

"Don't do anything you're going to regret." He said staring up at me. I ran both my hands through my hair. "God damn." He muttered and rubbed his eyes.

"I couldn't regret this even if I tried." I told him and I leaned down to kiss his neck. He was so addictive. He grabbed me and flipped us. I landed against the mattress and bounced a little and before I could blink he was on top of me kissing every inch of me.

Our night went on and we melted into each other. I lay staring at the ceiling trying to slow my breathing. I noticed the color of the sky was changing to a lighter tone. I sat up on my elbow to look at the clock on the other side of him. It was a little after 5:30 then I remembered I have to get up at 7:30 for work and I groaned a little to myself.

"What?" Ronnie asked as he sat up and grabbed his shirt that somehow was clinging to the end of the bed.

"I have work tomorrow." He tossed the shirt at me and grabbed his boxers off the ground. I put his shirt on and laid back down and he pulled the covers up. I yawned. If I was exhausted before then nothing compares to how I feel right now. As soon as I closed my eyes I was out like a light. I felt Ronnie kiss my head and lay down too.

I felt like I closed my eyes for two seconds before my alarm started going off. We both woke up as I completely leaned over him to turn the alarm off. I went to go sit up but he grabbed me and pulled me back down.

"Call in." He said groggily.

"I can't." I told him.

"I dont' care. Call in. You look like you haven't slept in days."

"My phone is downstairs." I told him as I continued to get up.

"I'll get it." He pushed me back down and sat up. I was too tired to argue.

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