The Night Shift

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I went to sleep shortly after Ronnie left. I dreamt of being in someones arms with thousands of people cheering that night. Weird dream. I had to get up early for work tomorrow. I was on-sight tomorrow to help with a show at the Luxor. Criss Angels magic show or something. Then I had a shift at the bar. 

Again, I felt like as soon as I closed my eyes my alarm was going off. I got up and went through my routine putting my work attire on. Classic pencil skirt with a nice button up and heels. I put my hair up in a nice bun and after gathering a change of clothes I was off. 

Work was same as always. Beyond boring and too long. At least at the bar I could let loose and talk to people. Here I was stuck talking about meeting times and shows and watching people who probably don't have a spine spin around in the air. I could barely focus on anything and I kept yawning. I finally got off and drove over to the casino parking in the garage. I changed in a bathroom and ran into Dana walking there.

"Hey!" She put her arm around me as we walked. "How was your day yesterday?"

"It was interesting. Turned out well though." I told her as we walked to the bar. 

"How's the old flame doing?"  Dana asked and she squeezed my shoulder. 


"Being cryptic I see." She laughed and we walked behind the bar taking over. 

"No, it really was good. We had lunch and talked and then a late dinner and I guess you just can't deny history." I shrugged. After really thinking about it, I just let Ronnie back into my life after one apology. It was true though, there was so much history that a few year gap couldn't deny. Granted it was nothing like we left it as but there was still something there. So I would gladly let Ronnie Radke back into my life but I know it will never be the same. 

I distracted myself with making drinks for a while. Suddenly I look down and there's Ronnie with the guy from the first night I saw him with sitting at the very end of the bar in my section. I told him I'd be down in a second by holding up a finger while I took a few orders. I made them as quickly as I could and made my way down. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Thought we would drop by. Jacky here wanted a drink." 

"Hi, I'm Sophie. You're the guitarist, right?" I introduced myself.

"Yeah!" He smiled bright. 

"Well what are you two having?" Jacky ordered a beer and Ronnie just asked for a water. I brought them over and was getting ready to chit chat but a few people were trying to grab my attention. The person next to Jacky ordered a mix drink so I couldn't stay and talk. I continued to work and would stand a talk with the two of them if I had a chance but for the most part I was pretty busy. A new guy sat down next to Jacky and he was trying hard for my attention. I could tell he was already pretty drunk. I walked over and he starts with the flirty comments. After bar-tending for a while, you get used to hearing the same stupid come ons. He asked for a shot and was insistent on buying me one too. We had a bottle in the corner of the shelf filled with water so I grabbed a regular one and the water one and poured two shots. I glanced over and Ronnie was eyeing me. I cheers-ed with him and knocked back a shot of water before grabbing both shot glasses and throwing them away.  

I talked a little with both Ronnie and Jacky and learned he was from the UK and he told me about how Nasty flew him out here for an audition. The guy next to him suddenly grabbed my arm asking for another shot. He was trashed so I made a decision to cut him off. 

"Sorry, but you're cut off. I can get you a water?" 

"I don't want any fucking water!" He shouted at me but it was so slurred I could barely understand. I pulled my arm back and Ronnie jumped up. 

"Sit down. I got this." I pointed at him and I was surprised he listened. There was a walkie-talkie under the bar that contacted Pat and I told him we had a problem customer. He came from the back shortly after and I nodded towards the guy. Pat ended up having to get security on the guy. Nothing I hadn't seen before. 

"Does that happen often?" Jacky asked me while I was still standing there. 

"Occasionally. A few a week. It's Vegas. What are you gunna do?" I shrugged. 

"Do guys buy you drinks a lot?" Ronnie asked. 

"Yeah. We aren't allowed to take them. We have a water bottle to pour." 

"Who's the other girl?" Jacky said looking at Dana. I smirked.

"Dana. She's single." I winked at him. 

"I was just asking her name!" He got defensive as his face flushed a little and I couldn't help but laugh. I saw a few people waiting so I went back to work. Ronnie and Jacky stayed my whole shift. Jacky was getting pretty drunk. He ordered a few shots with the beers. 

"My shift is ending soon just an FYI." I told Ronnie. He looked at his phone. 

"You work late." He commented. Yes, I was aware. 

"Whatever pays the bills." I told him. 

"You should come meet the rest of the band." He told me as I cleaned the bar down and Dana walked over. 

"I guess we should officially meet. I'm Dana." She shook both their hands. 

"Hello Dana!" Jacky smiled widely at her. 

After introductions Dana and I finished closing down the bar. Ronnie was going to offer to walk me to my car until he realized Jacky needed an escort to his room or else he'd probably fall down. We hugged goodnight and he promised he would text me tomorrow. As we were leaving Jacky shouts, "Bye Sophie. Bye Sophie's hot friend Dana." Dana laughed and winked at him. 

"Both seem nice. I mean, I don't know the whole back story but Ronnie doesn't seem to bad. Every time I looked over he was eye fucking you so hard!" She laughed again and I rolled my eyes. 

"Whatever." I mumbled. "I'll see you on Wednesday?" 

"No, let's do something tomorrow. I want all the details about this dude." 

We agreed that we would make dinner at my place and parted ways. I almost fell asleep while driving home so I rolled the windows down and decided to blast some music. It took my a while to decide what to listen to but I eventually picked Ronnie's album. I knew that would keep me away for sure. 

I made it home in one piece and got ready for bed. As I was getting ready I stopped myself when I realized I was humming one of his songs. I felt really strange for a moment like I wasn't supposed to be doing that but I told myself they were catchy songs and I couldn't help it. Man had one hell of a voice though. 

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