,,I'm good. What about you?,,

,, A bit stressed but ok,,

He later hugged each of them and repeated the same shit. After a moment they have seemed to notice me who was standing there the whole time.

,,Oh is that your fiancee Jimin?,,

The dude called Taehyung asked.

,,Yeah she is. Her name is Kim Arida. Introduce yourselves to her guys,,

They all came to me and introduced themselves.

,,My name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm the youngest one among us men,, He said with a nice bunny smile.

,,My name is Jung Hoseok but call me J-hope,, He seems to be a friendly person.

,,My name is Kim Namjoon. I'm the smartest one among these motherfuckers here,, Did he just call Jimin a motherfucker? Woah  he must be really close to Jimin.

,,My name is Min Yoongi. You can call me Suga if you want to,, He seems to be cool

,,Hi I am Kim Seokjin. The only handsome one of us,, He said while laughing. I must say he really is handsome. But the others are also handsome.

,,Well as you heard I am Taehyung, Kim Taehyung,, He introduced himself. He even shook my hand.

,,Yah Jimin ah you got a really beautiful fianceé here,,

J-hope said to Jimin while looking at me as if I was his favourite food or something.

,, I know,now stop staring at my fianceé,,

,,Protective arent you?,, Taehyung said teasing him. 

,,Anyways let's go eat instead of standing here,,

Jimin suggested. We all followed him to the dinning room and sat down.

I was sat down between Taehyung and Jimin.  In front of me there was Yoongi. He winked at me which made blush. He is so flirty aish.

The food came in and we all started to eat.
They were talking about their business and mafia stuff while eating and drinking. I just kept on being silent, since I do t know anything about their business.

,,Tell me more about you Arida,, I heard Taehyung saying.  I looked at him and asked him again what he said just to make sure I heard him right.

,,Excuse me what did you say?,,

,,I want to know more about you so tell me more about yourself,,

,,Well I am 18 years old and I used to live in Seoul,,

,,What are your hobbies and what are your favourite things???,, he seemed to be so interested in me.

,,Well I like to dance and sing. My favourite colour is red, my favourite food is lasagna and my favourite animal is a dog,, i said while smiling at him.

,,Aaw really? You like dogs too? I have a dog called Yeontan. He is really cute and small and fluffy. If you want to I can bring him over next time,,

We kept on chit chatting until I heard someone clearing his voice behind me. I looked back to see Jimin glaring at me. I already what was wrong.  He didn't want me to talk so much with Taehyung. So I kept my mouth shut. I was kinda sad that I wasnt allowed to talk much about myself with Taehyung. He seems to be a really nice guy. How can he be a mafia when he is so friendly and handsome???

,,Guys we are invited to the VIP ball tomorrow. Every mafia gang will be attending  the ball,, Namjoon said out of nowhere.

,, Yaaaay finally after such a long time there will be a ball,, Jungkook said excitedly.

,,Arida you should come too! Go with Jimin to the ball,, Jim suggested.

I looked at Jimin and saw him looking at me too.

,,I...I would love to,, I said not sure about it.

,,Yyaaaay well then we will see you there tomorrow then,, Taehyung said.

They all stood up and thanked for the food and said their goodbyes. But Taehyung hugged me before going.

I was so stunned. This handsome human being just hugged me!!!! I blushed so hard.

Why can't I be with Taehyung ????

They all left and only we two were left.

,,Stay away from Taehyung,, Jimin said coldly to me before walking up the stairs.

,,Why?,, I managed to ask before he walked too far away. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

,, Because I dont like seeing you with him,,

My heartless Mafia Boss Where stories live. Discover now