4n1k2 Part 33

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Next morning, everyone gears up for the school and examination preparation. After reaching the school, Yaprak observes that Ali is not in the mood and is behaving differently.

Yaprak: Ali Kusum, What happen? Why are you so upset?

Ali: Why? Are you really concerned about me?

Yaprak: Of course dear.

Ali: Please Yaprak, leave it and he walks into the class.

Yaprak standing still in confusion: Ali, please tell me what happen?

Baris coming from behind: Yaprak, I want to talk to you.

Yaprak: Baris, I don't know what happened to Ali. He is very upset and not talking to me properly.

Baris taking it very normal: You ask him when his anger comes down. Anyways, I am here to talk about your examination preparation. Promise me that from today onwards, you will seriously prepare for an examination.

Yaprak not taking seriously: Please, don't bore me again and leaves for the class.

Baris telling behind her: You promised me that we will talk about it after the holidays.

In the class, Yaprak asks his friends about Ali, but none of them have any idea about Ali's mood. 

Everyone attends the class and later, Melisa comes outside the class to meet Ali and ask him whether he is ok or not.

Ali goes to her and they talk for a few minutes. Yaprak sees them talking and gets jealous thinking that Ali is ready to talk to her but not me.

Yaprak gets very hurt by this and goes to the canteen with a sad face. 

Baris again comes there and says, Yaprak, have you started preparing for the exam.

Yaprak already annoyed by Ali's behavior pours out his anger on Baris and says, Please Baris, don't remind me every 1 hr. I am not a small girl that you are following me and reminding me. I can do on my own. Please go from here.

Baris: What happen? Why are you getting irritated with the name of studies and exam?

Yaprak: Enough. I will not do, What will happen? I will fail in exams. I am fine with it.

Ali passes from there and without talking further, she goes behind him.

Yaprak: Ali, What happen dear? Why are you not talking to me?

Ali says nothing.

Yaprak in a slow tone: So, now Melisa becomes more important.

Ali suddenly turns towards Yaprak and yells: Why? Are you not liking it? I also don't like it when you ignored me while dancing. You didn't look at me once but just kept on staring Baris. So, what should I tell you? Has Baris become more important than our friendship?

Yaprak gets shocked: I am sorry Ali. I have not done anything intentionally. I am sorry Ali.

Ali doesn't answer and leaves from there in anger.

Yaprak starts crying and Baris who heard everything consoles her.

Yaprak: Why you didn't tell me yesterday that Ali got hurt by me. You and Melisa knew this.

Baris wrapping her through shoulders: Because I don't want to see you upset.

Yaprak: Baris, I hurt him again. How can I do this to him?

Baris: Yaprak, please don't blame yourself again. You have not done anything wrong. At that time, you were carrying different emotions and you behaved in that way. This is done unconsciously. 

Baris hugging her tight, please don't cry and try to explain this to Ali and say sorry. Nothing will happen.

Three friends also arrive there and sees Yaprak crying.

Oguz: What happened, dear?

Baris: Nothing, you just take her with you to Ali. Go Yaprak and say sorry to him.

Yaprak leaves from there and Baris in his mind: Yaprak, you can't live like this. Every day, you try to make someone happy compromising your happiness. You never care about yourself and always live for others. Your happiness is too much dependent on others, you don't have your own opinion and life. You really need to make your own identity and the first step to it is to make you study.

4n1k2 The start of Yapbar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now