4n1k2 Part 37

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While sleeping on the bed and constantly staring at the fan, something strikes to Yaprak's mind. She immediately jumps out of her bed and takes out Baris's gift from the dustbin. 

She removes the message card attached on the gift and reads it again.

Yaprak in her mind: Why does this handwriting seem to be very familiar? Where have I seen this handwriting?

Yaprak quickly goes to the study table and open one of the notes sent by Baris. She starts moving her eyes from message card to notes and examines it very carefully. But because of a very small message, she is not able to compare properly.

Yaprak to herself: I am so confused. Is it possible that all those notes are prepared by Baris? Then changing her mind: No, no that's not possible.

She gets tired thinking about it, but doubt is raised in her mind. She is not able to sleep for the whole night.

Next day, after going to school, she goes to Baris's classroom in his absence and checks his notebook. She compares it and tears start rolling down her cheeks. She finds that the handwriting in both notes given to her and Baris's notebook is exactly the same.

When she is sitting with head down on his bench and crying, Baris enters the room and finds Yaprak on his bench.

Baris: Yaprak, what are you doing here?

Yaprak raises her head to see Baris and immediately hugs him.

Baris: Yaprak, what happen? Why are you crying? Everyone is looking at us.

Yaprak still crying: I don't care. Let me hug you. I am sorry Baris, how can I not understand you? I am really very bad. You helped me, but I blamed you.

Baris: Don't be sorry. In fact, I am sorry because I yelled at you. Don't blame yourself, because you were unaware of what I did? 

You know what? I am very proud of you. You are my strong girl and always remember I respect you a lot and that's never going to change. I did just to make you aware of what you can do. Did you realize that you are capable of doing anything on your own? 

Yaprak nodding her head in his arms: And what about your results?

Baris taking her face out of his chest and looking at her: Don't worry about me. I want you to think about your life and career. I don't want you to live for others only, but instead give a little bit of time to yourself too. 

Yaprak: Ok. I promise that I will study in every exam and will focus on my career too.

Baris: Let's go out of the class first. 

They both walk out of the class and go to the canteen.

Yaprak with an innocent face: I am sorry Baris. Will you accept me as your girlfriend?

Baris: Oh so sorry Yaprak. You got a little late. Yesterday only I made a new girlfriend.

Yaprak makes a sad face to which Baris laughs.

Baris pulling her cheeks: I have only one girlfriend and will remain the same for my entire life. Am I right my girlfriend?

Yaprak smiles with teary eyes and wrapped her arms to Baris's neck and says I love you and sorry for everything.

4n1k2 The start of Yapbar love storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt