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Zayn walks out of bathroom with a heavy heart. The test result he took is negative, and it frustrate him more and put more stress on him.

He's trying not to think about it anymore but he can't help it, he feel insecure seeing other carriers get pregnant without any trouble at all while him who is also a carrier cannot even do it. Even after all the reassurances Liam gave to him can't help but to still get jealous of Harry.

It took one drunken night for the two exes and Taylor was conceived whilst him and Liam has been trying for a year now and it makes him feel useless for no reason at all.

He bumped to someone while walking back to his office, he's not looking to where he is going since he's holding back the tears that is burning and threatening to fall.

He looked up to apologize but it was his husband, Liam, now he's on the verge of crying.

Liam is holding a rose and a paper bag, he's planning to surprise his husband for a lunch in his office but then while walking to the hall he saw his husband came out of the comfort room so he decided to wait for his husband who is not looking at his way to bump on him.

His smile was replaced by worried look and suddenly take his husband to his arms whose loud sobs was muffled by his chest. He hold him thight and shush him whispering sweet nothings into his ear and asking him what's wrong.

When Zayn calmed down, he just shake his head so Liam decided not to push it now.

They walked into his office and sit down on the couch on the ensuite lounge room.

"Babe what's wrong? What happened? Did your boss yelled at you?" he asked softly while rocking his husband who is sitting on his lap

Zayn shakes his head

Liam sigh getting worried about his husband.

"It was just.... I took a pregnancy test and checked if all of this diziness, me eating a lot more and cravings is because I'm pregnant but I'm not and..." Zayn sighs his voice slightly shaking "I feel useless and frustrated with myself." he said lowly hanging his head low.

Liam listens to his husband and feel symphatetic towards him.

"Babe you know- I thought we have talked about this? Perrie said you'll get pregnant soon it just takes time and maybe it's not for us yet, don't get me wrong but I came to realisation that us having a baby a year after our marriage is not yet an option. I do want a child with you, but I also don't want to share you yet with him or anyone else I want you to be mine for now and maybe we can get the baby and make them soon okay? " he said and kissed his forehead.

Zayn smiled a little and nod.

"Don't feel frustrated and sad now baby, I love you nonetheless. And don't stress yourself too much I don't want you stressing about something we can have soon" Zayn sighed and nod, smiling softly at Liam and pecking him on the lips giggling after when Liam smiled at him and stared into his eyes.

They spend the day eating lunch together and Liam waiting for his work to be done cancelling all his afternoon meetings so he can spend his day to his husband.

580 words
hello hi, sorry for the late update.

hope you are all enjoying this fic.

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*has to be edited

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