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"You know what Zayn, you overreact and overthink things. Liam is not like that, you should stop and not let your insecurities eat your confidence." Gigi said while munching on her ceasar salad.

Zayn sighs and just nod. "You know its hard not to think or not be insecure.. They have a child. He gave Liam something I can't."

"You can. You can give him what he wants to its just your body is not ready. And you two are only a year married, just enjoy each other's company first and learn things to each other. Learn on how to take care of a kid when his son is with you. Since you love that kid so much but hates his other dad, I'm confused" she muttered and continued eating her food.

"Taylor is a sweetheart and he's like Liam, how can you not? And F.Y.I. I don't hate Harold, just shut up and eat your food you talk too much. Geesh" he snapped rolling his eyes. Gigi snort and ignore his remark.


"Babe, what are you doing?" Liam asked leaning on the doorframe of his study watching his husband reading something on his desktop.

"Just doing some research, you know. On how can I increase my chances to get pregnant" he said not taking his eyes off the computer. Liam sighs and walks over to Zayn.

"Babe, don't stress yourself over it. Its 2am already and you should be sleeping now since you have a 8am shift tomorrow." Liam said picking his husband up and placing him on his desk standing between his legs and putting Zayn's arms around his neck.

"I just want to-" Zayn started but got cut off when Liam leaned forward and placed his lips over his. "No, go to bed. I don't want you to stress yourself about it. Perrie already said you should not stress yourself since your physcological factor is one of the factors that affects it." he said sternly looking at Zayn's eyes.

Zayn sighs in defeat and wrapped his legs around his husband's waist. "Okay daddy" he husked on his ears biting Liam's earlobe.

"Mhm, I think we will be both be staying up all night then?" Liam said while nipping at Zayn's neck. Zayn moaned and grins, "Depends, lets go to bed now then before I change my mind"


2 weeks later *

"Ugh, I feel so tired" Zayn groans while dropping his head on his table.

"You always get tired after eating and you suddenly hate my perfume. Are you pregnant?" Gigi asked sitting beside Zayn. Zayn rolled his eyes and started to finish his work. "Gigi, what's the correlation?"

"The correlation is, it is all pregnancy symptoms." Gigi said in a duh tone.

Zayn suddenly sat up and pulled a packet on his drawer. His heart is thumping hard and excitement is rushing on his body. He might be pregnant. He stopped taking his pills since the possibility of him getting pregnant is low so its not use at all anyway.

Gigi looked at him puzzled, "What are you doing? Am I right?" she asked smilibg ear to ear.

"No, I don't know yet- I'm gonna check and take a test, wait for me here" he said rushing to the toilets.

He highly hope Gigi is correct.

has to be edited *

hi, hello

i'm working with all my fics now 😃
Someone please help me with the covers. Slide thru my messages if you can help me. Also pls vote and comment and give me feedback about the story.

also please read my other work; Same mistakes


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