Too Little, Too Late

Start from the beginning

Daniel sat down on the ground, feeling the tears rise up again. He was practically drowning in the misery. His head was spinning, his body felt heavy, his heart was still pounding, and he could still taste the vomit in the back of his throat. Just thinking about it made him feel sick. Even sicker than before.

He retched, clapping his hands over his mouth.

Jonah came out of the bathroom and he ran inside, leaning over the toilet as he vomited once more, tears stinging his eyes.

Jonah frowned. "What's going on?"

Daniel looked up at him with tearstained eyes. "I don't feel too well."

Jonah sighed. "I think you've just been crying so much that you've made yourself sick. Go to the kitchen, get some medicine, eat something that's not too sweet, and go back to bed. You're old enough to deal with it yourself." The older boy walked away, and Daniel heard the sound of his bunk curtain sliding shut.

Daniel wiped his tears away and stood up, stabilizing himself on the edge of the sink.

Maybe Jonah's right.

He delicately rose, swaying like a willow as he went to the kitchen to get the medicine. Nothing seemed to help. Even as he got back in his bunk, he was still mind-numbingly dizzy. His heart was pounding hard. All he could hear was the blood pulsing through his body. Something was definitely wrong.

He let there in bed, trying to take deep breaths. Nothing was helping. He felt woozy, and more than anything there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that something was seriously wrong. But he kept waiting for the medicine to kick in.

He turned on his phone to check the time and frowned. It was almost four in the morning. The medicine obviously hadn't worked. A tear fell from his face and he didn't bother to wipe it away.

I'm scared. I don't want to die.

I have to do something.

He slowly eased out of the bunk and tip-toed quietly down to Jonah's bunk.

He slid the curtain open. "Psst. Jonah." he whispered.

The older boy didn't move.

"Jonah." he tried again,

He tapped the older boy on the shoulder. "Please, Jonah."

The older boy grumbled as he turned over. "Jeez, Daniel, what is it this time?"

Daniel shrunk back apologetically. "I'm sorry, I just feel really sick. I want to go to a doctor, please. I'm scared."

"Of frickin' course. Of course you're scared." Jonah seethed. "Just suck it up already. I want to sleep. The doctors aren't going to be open for you now anyways."

"The hospital?" Daniel pleaded.

"Please. We're not going to the hospital because you cried yourself into throwing up. You have to learn how to toughen up. Just go to sleep." Jonah scolded as he turned back over in his bunk, away from Daniel.

Jack's voice came from the upper bunk. "Hey, shut up and let the rest of us sleep."

"Yeah." Zach's voice came from the same direction.

"What the hell? Are you two in the same bunk or something?" Jonah asked.

There was a silence.

A sheepish voice emerged. "We wanted to cudd-"

Corbyn interrupted the sentence, sliding his bunk curtain open. "Guys, be quiet already. We have a show tomorrow, we should be asleep. Not sitting around chatting at--" he glanced at his phone-- "four in the morning."

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