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If you came from my other books, don't worry I'll be updating those soon!

Yoongi's POV:

I groaned as the light cane through the window. Glaring and the boy who raised the blinds, I rolled over and checked my phone for a text from Jin. I sighed as the 'No Notifications' showed up.

"Morning idiot." I scoffed as the the rude comment was said by Jimin.

"Fight me." I said, walking into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my reflection. I sighed as I looked over every one of my imperfections. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jimin looking at me.

"Why are you so upset with that mirror?" He said jokingly. I shit him a glare. "No reason. Just hate the way I look." He looked surprised. "What?" I said. He shook his head and walked into the kitchen part of our room.

"Want breakfast?" He said rudely. I hummed a no in response.

"You didn't eat dinner. You should eat."

"Just shut up and mind your own business." I jumped when he slammed his hands on the counter.

"Y'know what? I was trying to be nice! But I see you're still the heartless bitch you always were! I don't care about you! Go kill yourself for all I care!" He grabbed his coat and left the room. I stood there, shocked.

"What the...?" I had never heard him that angry. I shook my head. "Bad temper."

I grabbed my books and exited my room. Looking around the hallways, I bumped into someone.

"Oh I-I'm so sorry! I- Hyung?" I looked up and saw Jungkook looking at me. I smiled and laughed lightly. "Hey Kooks." Jungkook giggled.

"Sorry Hyung! I was just trying to get my books sorted before Science." He laughed weakly.

"You're good. I have to go to Math. See you at lunch though." He nodded and we went out separate ways.

I looked back and forth from the slip of paper in my hand and the hall signs to find my room.

"312. 313. Ah! Here's 314." I opened the door and saw that I was one of the first people there. I sighed in relief and chose I seat in the back. I organized my books on top of my fest and waited patiently for the class to fill in.

"Haha yeah I totally agree Namjoon!" I groaned as I heard the familiar voice. Jimin.

All of the grades were kind of mashed together in some classes. Like I was put in a lower English class, so Jimin and I would be sharing that class.

"Min?" I quickly looked up to see the one person I didn't want to. "Um... go away Park." I panicked. Namjoon laughed, but it didn't seem nice. "Don't be rude you little freak." I took a deep breath.

"Look here big-feet. I did nothing to you, and unless you want that to change the I suggest you walk away before your legs are no longer usable." I turned away from them and put my earbuds in. I smiled in satisfaction when I heard "damn" from Jimin.

"You little..." Jimin put his hand on Namjoon chest to hold him back. Namjoon shot a glare at me and Jimin, then sat down a few seats ahead. Jimin scoffed and eyed me.

"Bad idea." I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Jimin snapped his fingers in my face, making me jump. He laughed a little.

"Don't ignore me." I rolled my eyes again. "Leave me alone." He stood there for about a minute and then sat down in front of me.

"Ok class." Our teacher walked to the front of the room and rote notes for us to take on the board. "Pop quiz tomorrow." The class groaned. Jimin slump in his seat. He started brushing his hair back with his hand. I tried to look away, but for some reason I was captivated by the way his hair fell back into place. It was like red firey waves moving smoothly through his fingers.

"Min Yoongi?" I quickly looked up to see my teacher and classmates looking at me. I gulped.

"Um what?" The teacher scoffed.

"Maybe if you had been paying attention rather than lookin at Mr Park, then you would've known what I was saying." Everyone 'ooh'ed. I felt my face heat up.

"Sorry ma'am." I murmured. The teacher nodded and scoffed. She pointed her finger at me. "Pay attention." I nodded with a quick 'yes ma'am'. A few snickers were heard in front of me but I ignored it.

I opened my book and pretended to be writing so I wouldn't get yelled at. A pencil was tapped on my notebook. I followed the pencil with my eyes and looked up to see Jimin with a smirk on his face.

"Why were you staring at me, Min?" I glared at him and went back to 'writing'. He took my notebook out form under my pencil. "Hey!" I whisper-yelled. I quickly looked around to make sure the teacher didn't hear me.

"Min? Why were you staring at me so intensely?" I could feel my face turning red. "I-I dunno." I mumbled and fiddled with my pen. I looked up and he was still staring at me.

"Turn back around!" I lightly smacked his arm. He chuckled. "I still hate you." I said quietly.

"I hate you too. A lot."

Oops he heard me. I thought.

"Yeah I did." I facepalmed as I realized that I said that out loud.

The bell rang and I gathered my stuff as fast as I could and ran out of the room before he could follow me.

I walked through the halls and tried to read my schedule.

"Yoongi! Over here!" I looked over to my right. I waned at Jin and Jungkook. As I walked over, I noticed a gaping Namjoon. "That's Yoongi?" He exclaimed. Jin hummed in response.

"Uh, I'm sorry for calling you a freak. That was mean." Namjoon lowered his head. I was about to accept the apology, but was interrupted.

"You did WHAT?!" He glared at Namjoon. Namjoon gulped.

"I-I I'm sorry! I really am!" Jin fumed. I laughed a little. "It's ok. Don't worry about it. We can be friends." That calmed Jin down a bit. I looked over at Jungkook, but he was staring past me. I looked behind me and saw that Taehyung was flirting with some cheerleader. I didn't miss the hurt expression that was plastered over Jungkook's face. I sighed and patted his back.

"It's ok Kooks." He nodded sadly. He brushed off the sadness and put a smile on his face. I turned and looked at Taehyung. We made eye contact and I shook my head with a not-amused face. He look confused until I pointed at Jungkook. A look of realization flashed across his face. It was not a secret that Jungkook liked Taehyung, even he knew. I personally felt that Taehyung liked him too, but I wasn't quite sure.

"Cmon lets get to class." Jin said. We went our separate ways.

I had a little trouble getting to my next class, but the three after we're fine. After 5th, I was so relieved to not have to use my extremely intelligent brain muscles, since it was lunch.

I just wish I knew in advance what was going to happen in the cafe...


I (j)hope you enjoyed it.

Stay beautiful!


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