Holy Cheeze itz This boy is Craaazy!

Start from the beginning

I frowned. "For what?"

"That you had to see me like this..." Naruto looked away.

"Naruto..." No answer. I cupped his cheek in my hand, gently turning his face toward me. "You are such a dumby!" I poked his forehead, making his eyes widen. "You really think I care if you cry on me? I want you to lean on me... but.."

"But?" Naruto stared down at me. He was waiting for the final blow. I could tell. But his eyes widened at my smile.

"But.. I would rather see you smiling!" I sighed. "I'm always here. And I definitely don't plan on going anywhere. Ever." I emphasized the word 'ever'. "Now tell me what's wrong." I carefully sat down, and Naruto sat beside me, leaning on me with his arm around my shoulders.

"Its wrong." He started.

"What is?" I asked, pulling out a scroll and summoning Naruto's lunch.

"I don't know for sure. But I feel somethings wrong." I heard him trail off. I could tell he was watching me carefully as I opened a lunch box. "What is that?"

I said nothing, looking over at the now gaping, and drooling Naruto. "What?" I asked innocently.

"Where.. did you..?" Naruto was staring at the sushi with hearts in his eyes. I huffed. He loves this stupid sushi more than me.

"I made it. Why?"

"Who..." I let a smirk lift the corner of my lips.

"Me." I giggled as he started sulking. I picked up the chopticks and readied a bite. "I suppose.. I could share.. but it comes a a price.."

I whirled the piece of sushi around as I spoke.

"What kind of price?" Naruto was now giving me his full attention with such a serious expression. I actually had to start thinking.


"You want to have sex in the Hokage office... don't you?" Naruto's voice held amusement, and it had gotten a bit deeper.. and dirtier.... oh kami save me... 0//0

"T-That..." My cheeks burned. So he want to, too. 

My eyes gazed up at Naruto's flawless face, scanning over the smirk that played across his lips.

"Knew it."

"D-Dont say t-things like that!" I scolded, shoving a piece of sushi into his mouth.

Naruto quickly chewed and swallowed, chuckling. "But, my love, you were thinking it.." Pink spread over my cheeks. Oh kami.. what is he.. a mind reader?! "You don't even deny it. How about this. When I become Hokage, my first deed shall be leaning you back against my desk, slowly stripping you of every last piece of cloth-" I cut Naruto off by shoving three pieces of sushi in his mouth.

"Pervert!" My cheeks were flaming by now, about as red as my hair. I sighed, pushing the rest of the sushi at Naruto and standing, on my wobbly legs. I managed and took down the seal, trying to hide my flushed face in my sweater sleeves.

"Hey, Shiori!" I ignored the cheerful Sora and wobbled away.

I could hear Naruto chuckling, and I could swear I felt the heat in his eyes on my back as he watched me leave.

I swear.. Never again...


Ayame: Ooo Naruto got a little Pervy!

Shiori: 0///0 oh kami help me..

Ayame: *pats Shiori's back* its ok..

Shiori: >///<

Ayame: Anyway I don't own the Perv called Naruto or characters. Or Tomoe. Wait... where is Tomoe?

Shiori: 0///0 at Miyubaku mountain..
Ayame: huh...

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