Chapter V -> I'll make you realize!

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Krist Pov

A week had past since that time I had dinner with him and somehow I wanted to see him. Though for me it wasn't "somehow" anymore, I was 99% sure that he was my mate, yet he didn't know and realize it. Or he might not want to realize it. The thought alone that he might be rejecting the bond was painful enough to send me towards the ground heaving for air. My asthma played up again, returning after a long absence. I was in the state when my mother descended from the stairs in our house, rushing over when she saw me laying there like that. Are you alright dear? I don't know mother, you don't know? Having love troubles? Well remember I told you about that boy I met? He doesn't even seem to realize that we are mates. Everything you have taught me about what we feel when we are near our mates corresponds but he just seems either totally oblivious or he must not want me. Now dear how can you say that when you only met him one times only? Not all people instantly realize it when they meet their mate. Or we may feel something that we think is something else than the mating bond. If you want to know for sure Krist try to go out more often with him to find out if your feelings are correct. But if he doesn't realize you must think of a way to make him realize. But the thing is, he is a fanboy of mine, he'll think it is his crush on his idol instead of his mate. Love isn't always easy dear but I am sure that you will find a way to show him that it is something different than that.
I hope so mom, come on son, a bit more positive won't hurt,

I went up to my room to think about what she had said, the task that laid ahead of me was like a dwarf having to wake up a giant. Go too soft/slow and he won't wake up and make a mistake and he'll accidentally kill or cripple you forever. Not such a promising metaphor.

But when I laid on the bed a second possibility came into my mind, what if he doesn't want you as his mate? Nonsense, but tell me how someone can not feel that someone else is his mate? Eh, see, you cannot either, why wouldn't he be able to tell you are his mate? But why would he do so? I don't know, but be careful, cause if the giant is only pretending to sleep he might flee away or suddenly kill you.

The next day I had to go to the set to film a new movie but my head was somewhere else and I wasn't really paying attention and soon the producer became agitated, shouting and yelling at me which honestly didn't do much to improve the situation as I yelled back which made matters worse. I normally hadn't much trouble with containing my aura but today it was leaking on all sides affecting the people that were on set until the producer sent my away for the day.

When I came back home my mother immediately realized what was going on and without much ado she had put me into bed for a rest.

You need to get some sleep, your aura is all over the place I could even feel it in the basement now get your focus together, you never had problems with containing yourself. Grr, I also never had to endure the torture of knowing who my mate was while he was being absolutely ignorant. If he really is my mate then he is mine, and mine alone.

So now I had to make a plan to make him realize or accept I was mate, yet if he wasn't going to text me or something I'd just have to hope he'd come to another fanmeeting. Otherwise there was no way of contacting him unless fate brought us back together.


When I looked at the paper a number was written inside, where did this came from, Krist? No way, why would he ever give me his number? But who else could have given me this thing? The rest of the week went by in absolute distraction. I got the first B of my life and that same week a D followed. When I announced those marks at the dinner table my parents reactions were quite mixed. Where my mom was instantly worried my father remarked that it was a good thing that I finally started to become a man. Though I don't think the teachers and my classmates would happily agree with that. The quality of the homework was seriously going down and the timeliness of the assignments became a bit more worrisome. Above that my parents started to inquire about what was going on with me which added a whole new load of fuel to a raging fire. The question at the core right now wasn't whether the number was Krist's but instead why he'd gave it to me. Did he like me? Why would he, he likely had his mate already being in a nice bond, I mean why else must he be so secretive about that stuff? I remembered a fanmeeting that was 2 months ago, when one of the hosts aksed about whether there was anything to be said about his mate he answered a short and clear No!. It had shattered my hopes of maybe, maybe somehow being his mate. Sure fool, who says he already has his made? You like him and he gives you his number? Until you are sure you ain't mates what holds ya back? And yeah if I was honest there wasn't very much I could think of why he would do all this, only one thing to be precise, and that was the thing I utterly dreaded.......

But if I didn't do anything I'd never know for sure, and what harm could a bit of texting do?
So I had bravely added the number to my contacts and sent him a text

S: Who is this?

K: Krist

So it was him, I felt too shy to take another step, I had something typed yet closed the app before sending it. But not before long my phone started to ring

K: How are you?
K: What took you so long to text or call?
K: Like to go and watch a movie this week?
K: Hello?

What must I do now, I wanted to bounce through my room from joy, but still what now? Agree to his offer, maybe just say nothing? My finger floated above the sent button for nearly 20 minutes before hitting the sent button.

S: Fine

Krist Pov

I had been lying on my bed the whole day until my phone rang, who is this? , I opened the message and looked at the profile picture, wait this was Singto! What must I say now, but instead of spamming him with texts I kept myself in check and replied a simple Krist, when my father suddenly yelled from below,


Gumbl, grumpy like always, SORRY MOM! Always the complaints how I wish they would end. I reverted my attention back to the app. What next, from our talk I knew he liked movies, ask him out for a movie? Nah, let's wait what he has to say. But he didn't say anything. Uhuh stupid fool, of course he doesn't, you have seen how shy he is, do you really think he'll take an initiative? He is an omega+, smarter, more sensitive and gentler but also extremely shy. Remember go too fast on him and he'll lock himself up behind his shields.

Argh, why must my plans always backfire, how could I ever pick a movie without risking to pick one he'd hate. In the end I ended up sending him two leaving him the choice,

K: The death of stalin or SOTUS# the movie?

S: Sotus

So he choose the movie in which I played a leading role. Was it a coincidence or deliberate. For now I simply had to lure him closer and closer so that he would realize what I was to him. For me there was no doubt, a bit of caution about being wrong lingered inside but deep down I knew it was true that he was my mate. What was I to do to make hik realize? A plan had former in my head. I was a good strategist but a bad tactician. I often knew what to do but lacked understanding of how to do it. It was the same trouble with this thing. I had a strategy on getting him to love me, that would matter. Then the realization of the mate bond might come soon enough. For now I should subtly court him, woo him and try to win him. He might have a crush on me now, but let's see if we can transform that crush into pure love. Even if he didn't want me once he felt the pull of his mate he wouldn't be abke to resist,

Or at least, so I thought, but as things turned out,
I couldn't have been more wrong.......



Krist: everything seems absolutely fine to me

Singto: yeah I absolutely can't spot any potential for drama either, real dramafree story isn't it

Krist: would our writer really be such a weakling for happy stories?

Singto: no he must be thinking of something, besides this story is just a way for him to get some experience in omegaverse so.....

Krist: maybe in this part where you are so damned oblivious of the truth? Didn't your parents teach you about mates?

Singto: They did, but who says I am really not aware? Our writer never shows all our thoughts and ideas,

Krist: So then you are i.......

Author: (interrupting) That's enough for now, let's spare the rest for the story.

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