Chapter VIII -> Even if it's the last thing I do,

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Krist Pov

I haven't done anything wrong. Nor did I say anything wrong, there is no reason for him to do this, but yet he left,
Are you sure he left you son? Isn't there some other reason? And what do his parents tell you about it?
I haven't spoken with them yet, need some rest first before I am gonna do that.
You shouldn't make conclusions Krist before you know the facts, but what you are gonna do next is your choice to make. I can't tell you what to do.
What would you advice me? Find out why he does this and then make a plan.

Mother was gone and I had gone to bed to sleep but the only thing I managed to get was a pounding headache. Should I have simply said he was mine as my mate? Or should I have been even more careful? It really was a a mystery why all this had to happen. Fate was sure hating me for some unknown reason.

The only thing left for me to do was going to his parents to inquire. Showing them the mark and asking them what is going on with Singto. They most likely won't answer but all bits and pieces of information I got could be of use. I tried to call him again but he simply denied the calls. It hurt into the deepest parts of my soul to be rejected in such a manner.

That day went by in sadness. My aura seemingly reflected on the people around me cause everybody sat here with those silent and sad faces watching me. Something in my face or something?! The faces turned back to their plates but the tone had been set and the atmosphere was rife with tension. Dinner was unusually silent, even my mother remained silent. The looks I was given by people made matters even worse. No matter where I went I got these looks filled with pity. This was like a hell inside a hell, unlivable. Everything boiled down to the fact that I had to get Singto back to my side for things to revert back to what I'd like them to be.

The next morning at 10am I stood at the gates of Singto's home. Walking in circles for nearly 15 minutes where I should do this or better not do it. When I rang the bell immediately someone showed up, so finally decided to ring it? Excuse me? You've been here for some times walking circles, oh, yeah

They were well off by all means but not extremely rich it seemed. The lady escorted me in and turned to be his mother. She got me a drink before eecorting me to a small room handing me a chair to sit on while she herself sat opposite of me.

Now tell me what the reason is of this visit,

Shia Krist, now how you gonna start?
The cause of my visit is this, I showed her the mate mark,

Oh I see, now things get a lot more clear,

I and your son have been contacting each other and went out on 2 occasions. What is clear to me is that it is a 99% certainty we are mates. But somehow he has started to ignore me, taken leave from school, as if he rejects me as his mate. I searched anywhere in the city but he has vanished. Off course you won't tell where he is, but at least I want to know why he is doing this, doesn't he want me to be his mate? Or what?

What do you want?

What I want? Him and I being together like mates be, that is all,

Well Krist, I don't know either what the exact reason is because there is more going on than he let us know in my opinion, but he has said not a single word on rejecting you. Yet if you want to know for sure than you should ask him. Either by phone or in person. So if he doesn't reply your texts and calls than you know what to do Krist, there are a lot of things I could tell you about him that might factor into this but it wouldn't be fair to tell you. You and him should figure this out by yourselves.

Have you any idea so as to where he went?

Though I cannot tell you exactly where he is I shall give you this riddle the solution of which is where he has gone.

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