Chapter 15: Downhill

Começar do início

Kida's response was worrying. 'Shizuo said something came up and that he would go help you guys after he killed a bug? I'm not sure exactly'

She groaned. Anri could probably hold her own in a fight against the person but she was screwed if the person had some form of backup. If Shizuo was available then it would be a different story.

'What is Shizuo-kun doing? This mission can go south very fast if he doesn't show up' Saki thought as she scanned the area, looking for anything that could be useful in their situation.

"Anri if they leave the building then you'll have to fight them, you could also confront them in the apartment but that's a closed space and would be difficult to fight in..." She mumbled different ways they could approach the unknown person.

Anri's eyes kept flashing between red and brown. "Try contacting Shizuo-kun again. We'll proceed with our plan even if he doesn't respond, we have to know who is doing all this"

Saki sighed and tried calling Shizuo, after a few rings he picked up the phone. "What?" He asked, sounding angrier than usual. Saki could hear sadness in Shizuo's anger but didn't question it, it wasn't the right time.

"Can you make it to Izaya-kuns old apartment now? We think we found the person pretending to be him" Saki whispered.

She could hear a groan from Shizuo's end, "Yea. Celty and I got held up but we'll be there soon" He said before hanging up.

Anri looked at Saki, silently asking what Shizuo said. "He's on his way with Celty-san. We'll stay hidden until they get here" Saki explained.

Anri nodded and scanned the area with red eyes, she would use Saika's children if the situation gave her reason to, but she hoped that she wouldn't have to resort to that.

After what seemed like ages, Shizuo and Celty entered the area. Saki gave them a signal to where they were and the pair joined the two girls. "So that flea isn't the one causing this? That's a shock" Shizuo said bitterly.

Celty seemed on edge when she heard Shizuo's words. 'You didn't even let him explain' She typed, only showing Shizuo what she had written.

Shizuo scoffed, "Whatever. Let's just catch the imposter and be done with this whole mess. I have a bug to kill" He growled.

Celty would have sighed if she had the ability to but she just settled for shaking her head, or her...  helmet?

Anri and Saki looked between the two, confused as to what they were talking about since they couldn't see what Celty had typed on her PA.

'Let's catch the imposter before Shizuo tears down the building'


Even though he was sad about the situation, Izaya couldn't help but get angry at himself for his slip up. He could have played it off if he stayed seated but he just HAD to freak out and hide behind Sakura after realizing his mistake.

He was starting to remember why he blocked out emotions, he didn't like them at all. All you do is get hurt, what was the point of emotions if they would just betray him like that? He fell for Shizuo, he made a true friend with Sakura, he loved Yuu and wanted to protect him.

But... how could a mere flea protect anyone? Izaya was helpless, his arms were weak, he could have ended up paralyzed if Sakura didn't help him, and even when he called Shizuo "Shizu-chan" he hid behind Sakura so that SHE could protect HIM.

He didn't like having emotions, he felt hurt and unwanted. He wanted time to rewind so he could be his normal happy self. He wanted to go back to loving humans and being the best at his job.

TurnoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora