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i shift slightly in my position on the damp grass, "jimin and i kept to ourselves mostly since we were both pretty shy back then. jimin was more shy than i was. a new guy came to our school, it didn't bother us. we knew we would probably never have to speak to him but one day we got paired up for a class project."

i can see the look of interest in his eyes so i keep talking, "we became pretty close, i learnt that his name was hoseok. jimin saw us talking after class, we happened to be laughing and i guess he got the wrong message. jimin may have been quiet but he got mad easily. when hoseok left he stomped up to me and i couldn't even register what was happening before i felt his hand across my face."

jungkook gasps but i don't react to him, "it wasn't the first time someone had hurt me so i felt even more betrayed, even the only person i thought i could trust had hurt me."

"who else hurt you?" jungkook asks but i dismiss his question with a wave.

"he came over later apologising and seemed so sincere that i accept the apology. he even said he would do anything to make it up to me. the next day hoseok was talking to me again during school. he was being more touchy and flirty than usal but i didn't say anything because i didn't want to cause unnecessary drama but then he started saying things to about how he wanted to see me naked and how he wished he could hear me moan his name."

i cringed at the memory hating to even have to speak about it. "jimin started walking to us and i hugged him so tightly when he came. that's what made him know something was wrong. so he shouted at hoseok to leave." i felt jungkook moved closer to me and softly squeeze my hand.

"i still remember the exact words i said to jimin after that; jimin, if you want to make it up to me protect me from him.' i still had to meet him after school to work on our project which scared me the most..."

jungkook frowns, "i'm sorry that happened and all but how does that relate to you and jimin? it sounds like something only you went through"

i chuckle nervously, "listen to the rest."

he nods and i continue, "after school we were in a class room sitting at one of the desks. jimin said he would come sit with us but he was late, at that stage i didn't know why. hoseok kept moving closer to me whispering these sick things. he put his hand on my tigh rubbing it up and down while he looked at me. i didn't react, i couldn't react. i felt frozen in place. so i couldn't stop him when he pulled me off the chair and pressed me again the wall, i told him to stop. i was crying at this point. no matter how many times i told him no he didn't listen. he took the waist band of my pants and i felt him trying to pull them off."

i mentally curse myself for crying right now, i shouldn't be crying. "did jimin come then?" jungkook asks rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"he only came when hoseok started to tap his finger against me. hoseok didn't stop when he came though, he kept going and it was painful. i had never done anything like that before. he asked jimin if he wanted to join us. i was crying more than ever at the point. that's when jimin got the gun out."

jungkook mouth falls open, "he had a gun?"

i nod, "he asked jimin again if he wanted to join us, the gun didn't seem to bother him. he crossed the line when he spoke like that to jimin. i turned around and punched him. he ended up hitting is head on the corner of one of the tables and fell unconscious."

i don't look at jungkooks reaction, i don't want to. "i still remember how harshly jimin stared at him when he laid there. i dressed again wiping my tears away. jimin hugged me tightly telling me how everything would be okay. he said something else though. he said how he was sad that he didn't get to shot the gun, he had told me that it had rubber bullets so i just chuckled and told him that we could still shot it at him together. he helped me grip the gun properly and we shot it together."

jungkooks looks at me intensely now and his emotions are hard to read.

i sigh, "jimin took the wrong bullets. we shot him jungkook. we killed him."

a/n sorry for all the cliff hangers and this long ass chapter 😂 should i do the next chapter from jungkooks pov?

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