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jean jungkook and i are sitting by the park again. its dark now so the parks empty besides the one flickering street light standing near the swings.

he seems so deep in thought as he stares off to the side. he's resting his head in the palm of his hand. at this moment as i admire his beauty i wish that i could be a glove so that i may caress his face and touch his hand at the same time.

"what happened between you and jimin?"

his sudden question takes me aback. i don't want to tell him but he has the right to know.

"we dated in high school," i start. i'm not sure how to word it. "i guess you could say he had some anger issues back then..."

he shakes his head, "he told me that you were crazy," there was some hesitation before he added, "you still are crazy."

i chuckle and run a hand through my hair, a nervous habit of mine. "we were both pretty crazy i guess. it was never meant to happen," i mumble more to myself than to him.

"what was never meant to happen?"

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