First Kiss

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After one of the hottest days yet in the Glade, all you wanted to do was get a nice, cold cup of water. As you were just about to pour some water into your cup, someone placed their hand over it and said 

"(Y/n), can I tell you something important? It's been on my mind for a while."

Looking up, you see Thomas with his big, green eyes, and you decided that your drink could wait.

"Sure. What's up?"

"It's just that, you're an incredible person and I think that I might have feelings for you." 

Sighing, you're relieved that he too has feelings since you've had them for forever.

"Thomas, I didn't think you'd ever like me back." 

With excitement and joy in his eyes, Thomas grabs you and kisses you passionately, with some boys (cough cough, Minho) whooping in the background.


Since you're the only Medjack it can get kind of lonely some days. This particular day you were completely done with everything and you were sitting on the rickety bed staring off into space. Suddenly, you were interrupted with a soft knock. Startled, you jump up and turn around to see none other that Newt.

"Newt! You scared me."

With a serious expression, Newt is obviously nervous and says,

"(Y/N), I have something I really need to tell you." He says and he sits on the bed, with you sitting there looking as confused and scared as ever.

"Ever since you came into the maze, I've been head-over-heels for you." Hesitantly, he continues, "I just thought you should know." As soon as he finishes he gets up and begins to walk away, but not before giving you a passionate kiss and leaving you stunned.


"Minho! Wait up!" You shouted as you fall farther and farther behind in this ginormous maze.

"No can do!" As soon as he says it he turns the corner and you go into full sprint mode, trying to keep him at least in your sight.

The moment you turn the corner, you are grabbed and kissed passionately on the lips. When he pulls back, you see Minho.

"It's been a while since I first realized I liked you, and I just needed to do that."

With a smirk, you grab him and you two began to kiss once more . . .

(Sorry, it's so short. I couldn't think of anything!)


You were out in the woods for some peace and quiet at last, living with only boys can get exhausting. Sighing, you climb up your favorite tree and sit on one of the branches, only to find yourself drifting off to sleep. Just before you drifted off, you heard a twig snap and you jolted awake. 

"Who's there?" You called out.

"It's just me, Gally." Getting a little worried, you quickly climb down and land right next to him. 

"What's up?" 

"Nothing, it's just that you were gone for a while and nobody knew where you were. "

"Sorry, I just came out here for some alone time." You say as you stare into his eyes, wanting him all for yourself. You've had a major crush on Gally ever since you became a builder, but you're pretty good at hiding it.

"My bad, you want me to leave." He says as he begins to turn around. In a panic, you say,

"Wait!" He turns back around and you both immediately kiss each other very deeply.


Hey, guys! Sorry there's no Alby, I just don't know what to do for any of his. So as of now, I'm not gonna include him anymore. Sorry guys! Remember to comment and like! LOVE YA

Maze Runner Preferences and ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz