What He Makes You For Breakfast

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Thomas - 

Eggs, any type whether it be scrambled, hard - boiled, or even sunny side up!

Eggs, any type whether it be scrambled, hard - boiled, or even sunny side up!

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Newt -

Waffles! or pancakes, but mainly waffles because why not?!

Waffles! or pancakes, but mainly waffles because why not?!

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Minho -

Being the Minho that he is, he'll pour you a bowl of cereal, nothing fancy.

Being the Minho that he is, he'll pour you a bowl of cereal, nothing fancy

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Gally - 

You and Gally like the classics: toast and bacon!

You and Gally like the classics: toast and bacon!

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And welcome back, my fellow Wattpadians! Glad to see that my writing didn't scare you away yet. If you guys could just get me some more ideas by commenting, then I'd love you till the end of time. Thank you and love you all!!!! 😁💕

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