Movie Detail: Hatter (AIW)

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There is one specific scene where many people oversee a small but very important and actually cute detail on the mad hatter.
The moment when Alice returns to Underland and Cheshire brings her to the tea table with hatter and the other Underlandians, there is something specific happening to hatter.

If you look close enough, his bow tie shortly after we see him wake up is black and white, hanging low.

But as soon as he sets his eyes to see Alice at the other end of the table, returning after such a long time, he leans forward with a more than enlightened happy smile. And:
His bowtie flicks up to a proper neat position, gaining it's colours.
Tarrant is so incredibly happy/has been missing Alice so much that it even affected his clothing.
Look out for this small detail next time you watch the movie, it warms my heart every time.🖤
(Or click the gif to see it)

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