Headcanon: Tarrant Hightopp (Mad Hatter)

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I love to imagine the simple headcanon that it is possible in Underland to rain.

And that, if it does, Tarrant gives his friends the chance to stay dry when they were about to hold another of their marvelous tea parties.

And he would do so by quickly getting off his chair, giving Thackery (The March Hare) his big hat, which the hare would balance on his long ears.

Hatter would march on around the table in a rush and giving Cheshire his coat before he would at last,
literally have a tiny selfmade umbrella for Mallympkun to hold, which she would gladly accept.

Then, hatter would go back to his cozy armchair to settle down.
He would not mind a slight rain, as long as his dearest friends would stay dry.

He would watch them closely to ensure they would not get wet.
If the rain would get stronger, hed be the first to grab both Mally and Hare to bring them in the old windmill to hide from the rain, Cheshire teleporting whilst Hatter would balance plates, cups, teapots and goodies to bring in the windmill too, not wanting to let the rain ruin their little get together.

He would get wet.

But he wouldn't mind.

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