Chapter 22 - Tour Bus

Start from the beginning

"GOAL! ROUND FINISHED! BEATEN ONCE AGAIN HOOD!" Michael announced, slamming the controller down on the table. He ran out of the room, his hands fisting the air in complete satisfaction. Calum rolled his eyes and leaned his back on my chest as I rolled my fingers through his hair.

"Is the bus even moving yet?" Ashton asked. "We've been here for half an hour. Where's the driver?"

"He'll come soon. We're supposed to leave at 5:00pm or earlier."

"And it's 3:34pm." Calum added to my sentence.

"Ok, what do you guys want to do-

"ZOMBIE APOCALYSE THREE!" Michael yelled, coming in from the bunk area. "I FOUND IT IN LUKE'S BAG AND IT SAYS MY NAME ON THE POST IT!"

"You look through my stuff?"

"Yeah, and let's just say that your bag is really messy now."

"What were you looking for? I was going to keep that for Video Game Night." I pouted. Michael and I always play video games on the tour bus together every other Friday night. It was kind of a night where we could just let ourselves loose. Calum and Ashton joined sometimes, but it was mostly Michae and me.

"I was looking for the second one." He told me, smirking. I slapped his face lightly and walked to where Michael was at, the bunks. I climbed up to the top and layed there as my phone was charging. I closed the curtains to the bunk and as soon as I did, one of the other boys entered.

"He Looks So Perfect standing there." someone sang. They're voice filled the entire bunk room and I smirked to myself, knowing that Calum was there. One, he said he and not she. Two, he's gay and he's probably talking about me. "While I was out, I fou-"

"CALUM!" I screamed as I opened up my curtain.

"WHAT THE HELL LUKE!" He screamed as he used his beanie to defend himself. I ended up cracking up as he stood there, obviously still in shock. "I thought you went to the bathroom. I thought someone broke in!"

"If I broke in, would you be happy?" I asked, pouting my lips. He kissed my pout and smiled.

"You've been doing a lot of pouting lately."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Yes." I smiled at his answer and scooted over so Calum could fit in my bunk. He obliged and hopped in right next to me, snuggling into my side.

"You know, Luke. You should've known I was gay. Wasn't it obvious?"

"Cal, you and I are the most oblivious people on the planet. So ask the other boys."

There was a small silence, a very comfortable one, between us before he spoke up again.

"Did you mean everything you said in those letters?"

"Every single word."

"Even the I love you? The quotes? Everything?"

"Yes Cal. Everything."

"EIGHT TO THREE ASH! I WON AGAIN!" Michael shouted, as we heard through the door seperating the two rooms. Calum giggled into my neck and I smiled. Calum was everything I've ever wished for. How did I ever get so lucky?

"I'll be right back Cal, I should take a shower." I said. He only nodded and as I left, his head hit the pillow on my bed and he probably fell asleep. I took my shampoo and my towel and took a quick shower. As soon as I was done, I got changed. My hand reached for the door knob, but something caught my eye.

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