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Bambi sets a thicker blanket next to Bella's chair and moves to her wardrobe to pull out a jumper, she's going to keep her sister warm even if Bella doesn't care. Bambi still does. After Halloween, after what happened with that party and her drink, she's going to try harder, Bambi kisses Bella's head.

"I'm going for a run with Caleb" Bambi tells her. "I've got my cell phone so if you need me" Bambi offers adjusting Bella's blanket. "You know...you can call me....or text me if you still don't want to talk" she whispers a little. "I miss you, Bells" Bambi states under her breath, more for herself, she sniffles a little and then leaves Bella alone.


Caleb waits for Bambi by his car, she walks towards the woods instead and he follows her.

"You sure about this?" Caleb asks, she nods.

"Yeah, just going for a run" she answers. "You know I like to do this"

"Just figured you'd be taking it slow after last week" she takes a breath and looks to him.

"I'm fine" she assures him. "I just need to get back to normal and forget it happened"

"Considering you go to school with him" he mumbles.

"He doesn't both me at school, Jake scared the crap out of him" Caleb chuckles a little as they move through the trees. "Everything's been fine" she assures him. She then pushes him slightly and turns to walk backwards. "Keep up" she teases and then takes off running, Caleb laughs and runs after her.


Bambi laughs weaving through the trees, the rain only just starting to filter down through the trees.

"Slow down!" Caleb shouts behind her. Bambi laughs harder as she jumps over a fallen tree.

"Keep up" she counters looking over her shoulder to look for him, her eyes can't find him, she turns and jogs backwards. "Caleb?" she asks and then she is screaming as she stumbles down the hidden bank behind her. Caleb is instantly at the top looking down in horror.

"Bambi!" he yells, she hits the bottom of the bank and there is an audible snap. He looks around looking for a way down. Bambi pushes herself up to sit on her backside, she looks to her arm, she knows it is broken, she can feel it is, she takes a few deep breaths as she feels it rapidly healing, it's uncomfortable but not painful, like a vibrating shifting under her skin. "Bambi!" Caleb yells running towards her, she looks to him. "Are you okay?" he asks helping her up, she nods.

"I'm fine"

"I heard something break" Caleb states looking over her arm.

"Must have been a branch" she argues, he narrows his eyes at her arm. "I'm fine" she assures him and then moves her arm like nothing happened. "See" he sighs.

"I really thought you broke it" he breath out a relieved breath. She hugs him tightly, he smiles a little.

"Thanks for worrying" she whispers to him. He rubs her back and lets her pull back.

"Want to keep going?" he asks, she nods and they start off at a walk, heading through the trees. "Maybe we should stick to the track" he teases a little. "No uneven ground" she nudges him with her elbow whilst looking at her arm, she smiles a little.


"Thanks for coming with me" Bambi tells Caleb as they walk back to the Chief's house. Caleb shrugs a little.

"Maybe next time take Jake" he offers, she smirks.

"I asked him, he told me to bring you" She counters, Caleb pauses and then growls.

"I'm gonna beat him" he warns with a smirk, Bambi hugs his arm and smiles.

"We never get to hang out much" she tells him. "Just the two of us"

"No, you're right" he agrees. "It was nice" he threads his fingers with her hand and smiles. "We should do it again" she nods and pulls back.

"We should" she agrees. "I should get in, check on Bells"

"How is she?" Caleb asks worry now etching onto his features.

"Still the same" Bambi answers sadly. "I keep trying to get her to talk to me" she shrugs. "Just.....hate seeing her like that" she looks down and kicks a stone. "And knowing I can't fix it" she whispers.

"She'll get there" Caleb offers, Bambi shrugs and sighs and looks to him.

"Hope so" she tells him. "I'll text later" she tells him and then backs towards the house, Caleb nods and heads to the car. Bambi heads inside and straight up to Bella's room to check on her.


Bambi wakes to Bella climbing into her bed, Bella says nothing but lets Bambi wrap her arms around her pulling her close.

"It's okay, little sister" Bambi coos softly. "I've got you" Bambi strokes her hair as Bella cries into her big twin sister's shoulder. Bambi closes her eyes and takes a deep breath wanting to cry herself, but she won't, she'll hold off on it till she is alone. She'll deal with this all alone.


Jacob braids Bambi's hair for her as she sits in front of him sipping on a soda watching tv, Jacob likes Bambi's hair, it's always ridiculously soft and thick. She laughs at something one screen, childlike, at ease, this is the most relaxed and like the old Bambi he's seen her since Cullen left her. Jacob ties off her hair and moves to her side instead, she leans against him and smiles, he smiles and wraps an arm around her. He feels he's making moves with her too, since Halloween she's been coming around more, prefers to sleep in his bed, wants to be around him more. He's not complaining, he's pretty much been in love with her for as long as he can remember, but wanted to keep her around so remained her loyal best friend.

"Thanks" she tells him playing with her braid, he smiles and kisses her head.

"You're welcome" he responds pulling her closer.

"This is my favourite part" she tells him pointing to the screen with her soda, before she starts laughing, he laughs with her.

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