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Edward grabs his school spirit baseball cap as Connor raises an eyebrow at him.

"School pride" Connor teases.

"I'm going to watch the race" Edward tells him. Connor smirks.

"For Bambi?" he teases, Edward shoots him a look. "You any closer to figuring her out yet?" Edward sighs and pulls on the cap.

"Nope" Edward admits.

"Maybe it's like those birds" Connor states, Edward looks to him. "You know....the ones that lay eggs in another bird's nest.."

"Cuckoos" Edwards tells him. "You think Bambi and Bella aren't....sisters?"

"You have seen them, right?" Connor asks. "And spoken to them? Come on, we're twins.....we're similar, we look a like, our personalities are somewhat similar, they're nothing a like...and they look nothing a like...Bambi's...Bambi and Bella's..beautiful" Edward scowls at Connor.

"What are you talking about? Bambi's stunning...Bella's....plain"

"Plain?" Connor asks. "Maybe we should get Carlisle to check your eye sight"

"Maybe he should check yours" Edward states back, the two brothers now stood right up against the other, alpha posturing, they both start laughing relaxing, Connor pats Edward's shoulder. "And you still need to apologise to Bambi"

"She hit me" Connor points out.

"You insulted her and her twin"

"Maybe her twin" Connor corrects. Edward shoots him a look. Connor shrugs.

"You wanna come?" Edward asks. "Bella will be there" Connor perks up.

"She will?" Edward smirks knowing he's caught his brother's interest.


Bambi squeals and hugs Jacob who lifts her up with a chuckle. Bella and Caleb share a look. Jacob sets Bambi down.

"So...I am guessing you guys are here to support the Res team" Bambi points out.

"Whilst secretly routing for you, of course" Caleb corrects.

"Good" Bambi smirks tugging on her Forks High track team jacket. "Cause you both know I am going to win, right?" she teases, Jacob throws his arm over her shoulder and pulls her closer.

"We know, Bambi" he tells her. She smiles up at him.

"Oh, hey, you brought the camera" She points to the video camera in Caleb's hand. "You mind making a copy for Dad...he had to work"

"Yeah, sure.." Caleb smiles.

"Swan!!" Bambi and Bella both look around.

"It's for you, Bambi" Bella smirks point out as Coach Clapp waves her over.

"Oh I got to go..." she turns back to Jacob, Caleb and Bella and smiles. "See you guys later"

"Good luck" Caleb tells her. Bambi jogs off towards the coach.


Coach Clapp stands with the track team, and nods towards the Reservation team and smirks.

"You've got this in the bag, Swan" he tells Bambi. "Their record for 100m is 12.5 seconds" Bambi smirks. "But try and play down your talents...we don't need the other teams knowing you are our secret weapon"

"Alright" Bambi nods. "Go slow" Clapp smirks and pats her shoulder.

"Ready to win this for us?" He asks, Bambi looks to her team mates who all nod, they've never won a race before, never had the talent for it, and this is a team sport, meaning that Bambi wins, they all win.

"Yeah" Bambi nods and smiles. "I got you guys" she tells her team mates who chuckle and pull her in for a hug. "We got this" Bambi tells them.


Bambi smirks at Caleb and Jacob who pout as she touches the gold medal around her neck overly dramatically, Bella chuckles at her side.

"Would you look at that" Bambi teases. "I beat your team" she tells them. Jacob sighs before smiling.

"Not so bad" he hugs her and kisses her head. "Congrats, Bambi...."

"Yeah, we knew you could do it" Caleb tells her. "And we know you went slow" he tells her, Bambi shrugs.

"Busted" she teases, Jacob chuckles.


Edward glowers at Jacob as he keeps laughing and touching Bambi, it's over familiar, and he doesn't like it. Connor smirks at his side.

"You know...green is an unattractive look on you, brother" Edward shoots him a look.

"I'm not jealous" Edward tells him. Connor raises an eyebrow, dubious. "I'm not" Connor stares at him. "Alright, I am" Edward looks back to Bambi and Jacob as Jacob wraps his arm around Bambi. "His thoughts are.....affectionate" he crinkles his nose. "Overly" Connor chuckles.

"This is a fascinating side of you" Connor tells him. "I've never seen you jealous before"

"I just...."

"You're attached to her" Connor tells him. "It's actually nice" Edward looks to him. "I've never seen you invested in a girl before, I was worried for a while" he teases.

"You know sometimes I think we're going to have a serious conversation and then you go and ruin it" Edward tells Connor before walking away.

"Where are you going?" Connor asks.

"To congratulate Bambi on her win" Edward tells him.


Bambi sets her sports bag in the trunk of her car and pulls down her pontail. Edward walks towards her.

"Hello, Bambi" he greets, she smiles and turns to him.

"Hey" she greets back and then smiles. "I didn't have you down as a school spirit guy" she teases pointing to his hat, he smirks and nods.

"I heard we had a chance of winning this time" she smirks, he touches the medal around her neck and smiles. "Seems you've brought the team some luck" he tells her, she chuckles and shrugs.

"I don't know about that, it's just running" he smiles at her, warmed by her modesty.

"Congratulations anyway" he tells her, she blushes and looks up at him.

"Thank you" she whispers.

"Are you the only sporty one in your family?" he asks, she shrugs.

"I mean, Phil plays ball, but no, no one biological" she answers. "Guess I'm a little different from the rest of my family" she cocks her head. "Always have been" she raises an eyebrow at him. "You're not going to give a theory for that too, are you?" he laughs and shakes his head.

"No" he answers. "But....I am going to ask...if you want to perhaps....get a coffee?" she smirks and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Are you asking me out?" she asks, he sighs dramatically and then smiles.

"I suppose I am" he answers.

"Alright" she answers. "But...change it for ice cream instead" he laughs and holds out his hand, she takes it.

"Deal" he agrees, she smiles. "Are you free now? Or do you have to get home?" he asks.

"I'm free for an hour or two" she answers.

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