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Jacob sits on the bleachers watching Bambi run the track, she's always been fast, ever since he can remember, even when they were kids she'd run rings around him and Caleb. It's one of things he likes about her. Bambi stops and rests her hands on her knees, and Jacob stands and climbs down the bleachers to meet her. She pulls out her headphones as he reaches her.

"Hey" he greets. "Charlie said I'd find you here" she nods.

"Yeah....you found me" she affirms. They both walk towards the bench at the side where Bambi's things sit. "What do you want, Jake?" she asks grabbing her water bottle.

"Wanted to see if you wanted to hang out, got to the beach or something"

"Urm sure, I guess" Bambi states

"Here" Jacob holds out Bambi's jacket to her who looks to it and then to Jacob.

"Thanks" she whispers and takes it, pulls it on, she glances to Jacob who shuffles his feet a little, and she's hit with more guilt. This is killing her. All of the lies. "I'm sorry I've been a terrible friend" she admits to him.

"Not your fault" he counters. "You've had your heart broken...girls go a little crazy after a breakup" he tries to tease.

"No" she stops him. "Before that...before" she sighs and grabs her sports bag. "I thought that moving here I'd get to spend more time with you and Caleb and I didn't" she looks back to him. "I became that person, that girl that lets her boyfriend take up all her time....I was a terrible friend" he smiles and shrugs.

"It's okay, you were happy, and that's all I want" she smiles at him.

"You're amazing, you know that, right?" she asks him warmly, he smiles back at her. She stares at him a little, listening to the 'other' voice. "Jake?" she asks.

"Hmm?" he asks back, she smiles and shakes off the voices before pressing her head to his arm, he wraps his arm around her.

"You're my best friend" she admits. "After Bella..."

"I know" he assures her. "You're my best friend too.....after Caleb" she chuckles a little and nods as they head towards the parking lot.


Bambi lays on her jacket on the beach, the sun warming her skin. As much as she loves the forest, she loves the beach too. Jacob sits beside her watching the whales. Jacob reaches for Bambi's water bottle

"Ah" Bambi grabs Jacob's wrist. "That's mine" she scolds taking the water bottle off of him.

"It's just water" he argues.

"It's still mine" she counters setting the water bottle at her side.

"Touchy" Jacob mumbles teasingly. "You really don't like sharing do you?" he looks to her. She snorts and looks to him.

"And you do?" she asks, Jacob raises an eyebrow. "The last time I stayed at yours you didn't share your pizza....at all"

"I was hungry" he counters starting to smirk. "And it was mine...." she laughs a little and shakes her head, he nudges her gently and smiles. "I've missed you" he admits. She looks to him.

"I'm sorry" she offers, he shakes his head.

"That's not what I...." Jacob takes a breath. "I'm too blame too, you know, you are literally living up the road now and I could have come to you, called you or text...it's fine though, we're fine, still friends and hanging out now, so....all's well in the world again" she nods a little and looks to the water. "Except that you and Cullen broke up" he adds touching her arm. She nods again, the knife just digging into her heart deeper, lying again, more lies. To her sister, to her father, to her best friends. She loves Edward, she does, but to keep going like this. She's going to burn herself out. Or worse; end up back in the Psych ward.


Bambi paces her bedroom floor, her cell phone pressed to her ear, Edward on the other end.

"I know we agreed" Bambi states softly. "I just hate lying to everyone" she walks to her window and looks out at the forest.

"If I thought there was any other way" Edward offers.

"I know" she whispers. "I do" she sighs a little. "And I am trying so hard...."

"I know you are....and I know this isn't ideal....and I wish I could make it better, make it easier" He tells her as she sits on her bed. "But it's jut a few months...."

"If I decide to go to London" she points out. "What if I choose to stay here? What then?"

"We'll talk about it..." Edward offers. "We will figure something out...because I am not willing to loose you, Bambi, I will do whatever it takes to stay together" she hangs her head and sighs a little.

"Okay" she breaths.

"I love you" he tells her softly.

"I love you too" she counters.

"I'll call you tomorrow....try and get some sleep" she sighs and then hangs up.

"Like that's going to happen" she grumbles and sets her phone on the side before standing. Bambi reaches under her bed and wraps her fingers around a glass bottle before pulling it out. Vodka. Shaking the contents she purses her lips. It's nearly empty. She sighs and moves to her empty water bottle on the side and pulls of the top before filling it with the remains of the vodka before topping it up with fresh water and a few slices of lime which she drops into the bottle. She sighs and screws on the lid before shaking it to mix it. It's the only thing that has been taking the edge off of the voices in her head, the thoughts, even with Edward's control technique it's still taking some used to. She sits on her bed and sighs, presses her fingers into her head and closes her eyes before she takes a drink.


Bambi pushes her sunglasses over her eyes as she heads down the stairs, Charlie appears from the kitchen and frowns looking at his watch.

"Bambi, it's way too early what are you doing up?"

"I want to take a run before school" she answers pulling on her sports jacket.

"It's raining" Charlie points out.

"I don't mind" Bambi counters pulling up her hair. Bambi offers him a small smile and then leaves, Charlie sighs. Putting her headphones in Bambi takes to the forest. Charlie watches through the window worried.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now