Chapter Nineteen

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Let's see how the village is doing. This is the time right after Encre left.

  Eterna P.o.v

I don't believe in it you need a soul to keep yourself alive. I didn't know what to do. she couldn't just leave us like that. I felt anger build up in me when I saw the leader of our enemy he's last memorise left. I saw one Encre as a child begging for him to let her brother go. Her aura almost killed him but she grabbed her brother and ran away. I could hear her last sentence in my head. "Don't ever hurt anyone I care about again or you will regret it." She said and left. seven years old. How could he do that to a child? The leader began to dust. His soul came out and cracked but in a suicidal way.

"I'm sorry child I'm sorry for all your sufferings. Let's hope that Ducalin never finds you." He said. My blood froze just by hearing that name, Ducalin the one that heartlessly breaks everyone without a care He made more than a thousand salves of the kingdom that he attacks. Encre how do you have a free will?  I looked around everyone had there guards up. ready for an attack. 

"How?" Asgore asked. I walked over to him.

"Encre sure have more secrets then she let show," I said still trying to prosses everything.

"Why did she close herself up like that? I mean she could have told someone" He said

"Remember Peinture is was overprotecting he always came whenever someone was talking to her when she was smaller so even if she wanted to tell she couldn't," I said.

"Your right. I think we should head home before night surprises us" He said. I nodded.

"Everyone go back to the village. If we hurry we might make it before sunset" I yelled. people began to walk. 

Time Skip 

It's only been 12 hours since Encre fought our enemy. Who was that guy? What had he done to Encre? Why didn't she tell me about any of it?.

"E-Eterna I'm sure that there is a g-good explanation for all this." Dr Lofy said. She has tried to make me think of something else for the last five hours.

"P-please Eterna speak to me." She said. but was met with silence. 

"I'm s-sure that she had a good reason t-to keep it away," she said.

"And what could that be?" I asked in a rather harsh tone but I didn't care.

"To protect us. I-if He found out that one of his s-slaves was here t-then we wouldn't even be alive by now," she said. She was right he picks his slaves carefully. Only the strongest and smartest. But why did he choose Encre? How strong is she?  Is she a Spark? Or worse Canak? I stood up and began to walk towards the door.

"W-where are you going?" Dr Lofy asked. 

"To find out if Encre is what I fear," I said and began to run toward the castle the had a library full of family trees only. I came to the library. I got to the 'S' area. I knew that Vampires had something similar but their books only contain half of the information that ours does plus they have a lot of sass sometimes. I found the Spark family tree. I opened it and as I feared Encre's description were there.

Encre Spark

Age 22

Family dead

People she cares about Eterna Lofy Rofous Azure Asgore crystal Carlos Jasper Felica F@!!@{y Who are crystal Carlos Jasper Felica? and why is one of the names corrupted?

Personality Kind Against violent but if you hurt someone she cares about enough then you'll suffer. Broken. a good actress.  

Sickness. overproduction of blood. And she lives with Vampires at the moment doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Allergy to chamomile plant. She wasn't lying?!?

Like Painting singing helping people Encre sing? Is this the Encre that I know? 

Hate: Her past. her deadly allergy of chamomile plant. 

Fear Her Past getting her. Ducalin.

Soul Kindness. No longer by her body. Still existing. 

She Doesn't believe in happiness nor freedom due to her being a slave until the age of seven. She will do anything to keep her friends and family safe. She always knows when one of them is in danger. She has the power to kill her biggest fear.

Magic Paintbrushes base detail fane. 

 Paint on living organisms

Red = Damage

Yellow = viruses

Blue = Emotion change to whatever request

Green = healing

Black = killing the soul but not body 

Whit = ##### life #### ## # ######## #### died ###### ## #####. 

All colours can be used to create things and living organisms

I stopped reading and looked up Asgore stood there with a disappointed face.

"I can explain, "I said and gave him the book on the page with Encre's description. His eyes wide.

"Did you know about this?" he asked,

 "no, but when our enemy said that did I get suspicious," I said. He sighed

"She really did protect us," He said

"What do you mean?" I asked 

"That is not importen" he said and left

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