Chapter thirty-five

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Fallacy P.o.v

I looked at Encre in shock. Her eyes were dull her body laid lifeless on her bed. Eterna left together with crystal and asgore. 

"Encre, You may have figured out by now that I was the bat that visited you almost every night I didn't do it to check if you were in good health but because I began to care about you," I said

"Maybe but you only visited me to make sure you could repay your life debt," She said.

"At first yes but I sone grew to care for you," I said and left. I have to find a solution to this Maybe Reaper knows something.

Encre P.o.v

I heard the door close. I decided that laying her all day wasn't an option. I got up and opened the window just to jump out of it and walking casually as if nothing happened. I needed some time for myself. I walked around in the forest until I heard a small squeal. I followed the sound to see a small bird laying on the cold ground. I walked over to it. Something puzzled me. the newly craked bird was on fire. I carefully lifted the small bird even though it hurts. It looked like it has been abandon. I found some eatable berries and feed the newborn. I held them carefully and search the bird for any injuries but there was none. 

"What do we do with you," I said

"it's not like I can leave you here," I said as I began to walk again with the fragile bird in my hands. Out of the blue, the bird began to get heavier. I looked at it and it grew looking like a three-week-old bird. I was confused by this. Encre you have the last Phoenix in your hands. Weren't Phoenixes an extinct race? People said the same about your family but here you are. The bir- Phoenix grew again. Now it looked like a young adult. I jumped up on my shoulder and nuzzled its head against my skull.

"I think It would be best to not question this," I said. then remembering something, That book said something about the spark Family being born from phoenixes. I have to find that book. I lifted my hand in front of me making the Phoenix jumping to it and sit there.

"I need to check something and you can't come with me so please stand here and I'll come back for you Okay?" I said. The Phoenix nodded and flew over to a branch. I walked back to the castle only to see people preparing to sent a search party after me but that stopped the second I went in here.

"How did you get out of your room without anyone seeing you?" Jasper asked. 

"That's not important, but tell your father I won't leave until the time is up," I said kindness shown in my voice.

"Your planning on leaving Why?" Jasper said on the verge of tears.

"I don't want to but some times you don't make your own decisions, But it has not been decided yet," I said. I calmed him a lot. I left and walked to my room I quickly found the book. I read it trying to find the part with Phoenixes. 

'The spark Family had never known that the only thing that can stop their hunger for souls is the help from the same Phoenix that did this to the Sparks. For that to happen the Phoenix would have to see that people actually care about the spark and that they are kindhearted which will never happen.' 

Well, thanks for nothing. Not that I blame the person who wrote the bock. After all my mother was a spark.


"Mama look I made a picture of our family," I said showing her my drawing. I am four years old.

"That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen, And stop calling me mama what are you a baby?" said my mother and threw me on the ground. stomping on my arm breaking my bones. 


"Mother look I made a sculpture of an angel out of stone," I said showing it to her. She took it and smashed it over my head.

"You should have made a demon then you made yourself useless brat," she said.


"mother look. I learned to bring the dead back to life," I said showing her a child that died a few days ago. She killed them again.

"Stop wasting my time little shit you try to impress me but you just as useless as your creations, no one will ever accept someone as useless as you, so stop being a burden to everyone and go die," Mother said calmly. I cried and ran out into the forest.

"Why do mother hate me?" I cried out.

"💧︎♒︎♏︎ ♎︎□︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ♒︎♋︎⧫︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎📪︎ ♓︎⧫︎🕯︎⬧︎ ♌︎♏︎♍︎♋︎◆︎⬧︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ⬧︎♒︎□︎◆︎●︎♎︎■︎🕯︎⧫︎ ♏︎❖︎♏︎■︎ ♏︎⌧︎⬧︎♓︎⬧︎⧫︎📬︎" A kind sounding voice said(She doesn't hate you, it's because you shouldn't even exist.) I looked up and saw a strange man

"♍︎□︎❍︎♏︎ ⬥︎♓︎⧫︎♒︎ ❍︎♏︎📬︎ ♍︎♒︎♓︎●︎♎︎📬︎ ♋︎■︎♎︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ♒︎♋︎❖︎♏︎ ♋︎ ♍︎♒︎♋︎■︎♍︎♏︎ □︎♐︎ ♌︎♏︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ●︎□︎❖︎♏︎♎︎" he said (come with me. child. and you have a chance of being loved) He held a hand out for me to take. I took it and that was the biggest mistake I've ever done.

Flashback end

I need you guys to do me a favor help me find a name for a Phoenix that will have sass

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